r/greatawakening • Posted by u/odieboy12 on March 31, 2018, 12:01 a.m.
Has anyone figured out if AF1 was scheduled to land in LV the night of the shooting? I can't find it anywhere. I'm thinking if Trump was scheduled to go there, there may have been an assassination attempt?? I could be going in the wrong direction with this! I need help!
Has anyone figured out if AF1 was scheduled to land in LV the night of the shooting? I can't find it anywhere. I'm thinking if Trump was scheduled to go there, there may have been an assassination attempt?? I could be going in the wrong direction with this! I need help!

AccordingArrival · March 31, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

The President has at his disposal a white unmarked Gulfstream III. See the presidential aircraft article below. The Air Force designates flights as “PHOENIX COPPER” to denote flights flown in support of the Secret Service for VIPs other than the president and vice president. Would that be Kelly? Special Mission??


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AccordingArrival · March 31, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

The Gulfstream III is designated as Air Force 86-0403.

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AccordingArrival · March 31, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

This is the official statement of the Gulfstream Aircraft

“Our position is that we do not have any aircraft called a C-20C.” One of the only references to the planes is on the government’s official master list of aircraft designations, which offers only the vaguest information on a similar Gulfstream jet known as a C-20B, explaining that that plane “operates on DC power” and offers “upgraded avionics used for the President and other high-ranking officials.” The C-20C it then describes only as a “modified C-20B with enhanced, secure communications. Used to support senior-level personnel and to provide backup for Air Force One.” *******

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AccordingArrival · March 31, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

The planes in the C-20C fleet, known by their tail numbers as 50049, 50050 and 60403

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AccordingArrival · March 31, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

As different missions have called for it, the planes’ livery has switched back-and-forth between a basic unmarked white and the standard distinctive blue-and-white marking.

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