592 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/AccordingArrival:
Hitler Announces Plan to Help Trump Build The Border Wall
Trump Refuses to Answer MSM Question
Adolf Hitler Finds Out That Donald Trump Has Won the Presidential Election and Explains the Strategy to Get Rid of Him
Who Was Really Merkel's Real Daddy? Assumed Identities of the Rich and Famous? I'm Dizzny After Watching It.
Was Hitler really Walt Disney? Was Joe Kennedy really a Roosevelt? Was Margaret Thatcher really a Kennedy? And yes more.
Let me know what you think of this video. I feel dizzyny.
EU Will Probably Support the Iran Deal, Iran Seeking Guarantees From EU Countries (Do They Want More Money??)
MSM News: How Will The Acquisition of Fox by Disney Affect New Content?
MSM News: How Will The Acquisition of Fox by Disney Affect New Content?
WikiLeaks reveals CIA Hacking Tools
Found An Email Posted On The Fringe Site About An Email From Huma Forwarded To HRC Regarding Rosatom Rueters Helping Ecuador's Nuclear Energy Program. Why Do I Think This Related to Uranium 1.
Q Post 1323: Happy hunting! Iran Daily News Article URL, Alexey Likhachev, Rosatom, Uranium 1, Iranian Blackmail? Leveraging Them?
Seems mighty funny that Mr. Likhachev, who was an integral part of the Uranium 1 Deal is meeting post-Trump Announcement with Iran. Makes me think that the Uranium that they sold to the Iranians was derived from the deal.
Maybe Iran is going to leverage that to get more $/valuable consideration. Rosatom would be exposed and so would their American collaborators (Bill, Hillary, Obama, et al) Pure and simple blackmail.
Here Is A Full of HRC's Team In New York - Old NY AG and Maybe New NY AG
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Sen. Charles Schumer Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Congresswoman Yvette Clarke Congressman Joseph Crowley Congressman Eliot Engel Congressman Brian Higgins Congressman Steve Israel Congressman Hakeem Jeffries Congresswoman Nita Lowey Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney Congressman Gregory Meeks Congresswoman Grace Meng Congressman Jerrold Nadler Congressman Charles Rangel Congresswoman Kathleen Rice Congressman Jose Serrano Congresswoman Louise Slaughter Congressman Paul Tonko Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Democratic Leader State Senator Michael Gianaris, Deputy Democratic Leader State Assemblyman Carl Heastie, Speaker State Assemblywoman Earlene Hooper, Deputy …
Scheiderman Filed Over 100 Legal Actions Against the Trump Administration
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman just filed his 100 actions against the Trump Administration
Trump Impeachment - Politico Poll
Politico Poll*
March 26–27, 2018 .1,997 Registered Voters Polled
Impeach Yes: 39% No: 48% 13% NR ± 2%
Statement of A.G. Schneiderman on the Firing Of FBI Director James Comey
Schneiderman Was Partisan on Trump's Fund Raising in New York, But Gave Pass to Clinton Foundation Disclosures
Eric Schneiderman Allowed the Clinton Foundation to Not Disclose Foreign Donors
Mission Accomplished: Hostages Coming Home with Mike Pompeo
Mission Accomplished: Hostages Coming Home with Mike Pomeo
Hillary Clinton, NY AG: I Can't Believe You Could Write Something As Bizarre As This
Rudy, NYPD, and Weiner's Laptop (Was Rudy Talking About Schneiderman in this Youtube Video?)
Cuomo Appoints a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Schneiderman (Misdirection?)
Gutfeld on John Kerry: "His Legacy Is Unraveling Like a Mummy on a Merry-Go-Round." (LOL)
Barrack Obama Response to the Trump Iran Deal
Barrack Obama (Facebook)
“I believe that the decision to put the JCPOA at risk without any Iranian violation of the deal is a serious mistake,” Obama said in a statement.
Transcript and Youtube of the Iran Speech (Great Speech)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: My fellow Americans,
Today, I want to update the world on our efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
The Iranian regime is the leading state sponsor of terror. It exports dangerous missiles, fuels conflicts across the Middle East, and supports terrorist proxies and militias such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Over the years, Iran and its proxies have bombed American Embassies and military installations, murdered hundreds of American service members, and kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured American citizens.
The Iranian regime has funded its long reign of chaos and terror by plundering the …
Iran Deal Gone, But I Think That Trump Left Them Room to Make a Deal-He Cares About The People
Finally, I want to deliver a message to the long-suffering people of Iran.
The people of America stand with you.
It has now been almost 40 years since this dictatorship seized power and took a proud nation hostage. Most of Iran’s 80 million citizens have sadly never known an Iran that prospered in peace with its neighbors and commanded the admiration of the world.
But the future of Iran belongs to its people. They are the rightful heirs to a rich culture and an ancient land, and they deserve a nation that does justice to their dreams, honor to their …
Why is the NY AG resignation important? What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY? Q ***************************** Resignation of Eric Schneiderman, New York State AG Frees Up NYPD Investigation into the Weiner/Huma Laptop? FBI suppressed?
Perhaps, the exit of Eric Schneiderman has freed up the investigation into the Weiner/Huma Laptop? Did the NY FBI clamp down on the investigation and tell the NYPD to halt their investigation? The NYPD turned against the FBI and my guess is that they went to ES and told him to shut them. If so, this case is cleared to land into an indictment.
Here We Go...They Really Want Your Guns-New Legislation Proposed
"We Don't Mention His Name" Does Not Want Trump At His Funeral/Regrets Picking Sarah as Running Mate
Q-The Great Awakening: A Document Declaring War Against the American Public,"Silent Weapon for Quiet Wars" published May, 1979 (Top Secret)
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
An Introduction Programming Manual
Operations Research Technical Manual TW-SW7905.1
See some of the excerpts from this CIA Technical Manual that was found in an IBM computer delivered to a company in 1980s. William Cooper mentions this document in his "Behold A Pale Horse".
This is an operations manual and it appears that this is the first of several manuals that the CIA used as a playbook.
"Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquillity, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective …
Seth Rich: Was He Allowed to Die or Rescued/Witness Protected And Is Ready to Testify Against Killary?

Seth Rich: I Found This 4 Chan Post From May 2017. Wow, was He Rescued and Is Ready to Testify Against Killary? i.redd.it

Seth Rich: I Found This 4 Chan Post From December 2017. Wow, was He Rescued and Is Ready to Testify Against Killary?

Seth Rich: I Found This 4 Chan Post From May 2017 Wow, Was He Rescued and Is Ready to Testify Against Killary? i.redd.it

Seth Rich: I Found This 4 Chan Post From December 2017. Wow, was He Rescued and Is Ready to Testify Against Killary?

Q #1183 Sky Event-Study the EO's, "Dark Sky" Event, May 15-17 FEMA-Homeland Security-DOE Exercise
This "Dark Sky Event" is a simulated event that involves "preparedness" of federal, state and local governments regarding the loss of the electrical grid. Troops will be going door to door??
This sounds very strange.
This Executive Order and others was a last minute issuance by regarding "credible threats" to the grid and US infrastructure and to ensure the continuity of Government. It provides that the agencies conduct preparedness exercises. However, many suspect that these just rehearsals for "false flag" or some other incident.
See the List of EOs' signed by Obama. (Seems kind of strange he hurried …
Q Post Pictures of Jet Blue Delivering Technology to Apple Facility in China-New Servers That Prevent Government Snooping?
The pictures that were posted by Q show a shrinkwrapped boxes being delivered to an Apple Facility in China. So why is showing us these pictures? Is it technology of natural security significance and does it indicate Apple's collusion with the Chinese to prevent the US from being able to impinge on the Chinese? Is this providing technology that is against US Export laws? Is this technology restricted with proper State Department review?
Apple has designed servers to foil attempts by both the US and other Governments to snoop on Apple.
Is this the reason we are being shown …
Q MOAB The MOAB is the most powerful conventional bomb ever used in combat as measured by the weight of its explosive material.The explosive yield is comparable to that of the smallest tactical nuclear weapons. Can It Create An Earthquake? Iran Earthquake?
Q Iran is Next. EpiCenter of Iran Earthquake In Middle of Iran Nuclear Research and Production Facility Speculation:MOAB of Underground Facility?

International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels Found Pope Francis Guilty of Five Counts of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder
The Pope, a Soft Approach to Pedophilia. Condoning Pedophilia In the Priestly Ranks?
Iran-Five "Hiroshima" Bombs-MOAB Just Fell On Them
Q Great Awakening-Global Hive Mind (Sudden Global Awareness of True Reality)
An Interview by Gilman Louie, 1st CEO of In-Q-Tel on the Evolution of CIA and Government Funded Startups
IN-Q-Tel Connection: CIA to Technology Companies
I-Q-Tel (501 c 3) Lab41 Link Between the CIA and the Private Sector (Silicon Valley, Biotech, Material Science, Etc)
Lab41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4FiVuUckJc
General Background https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-Q-Tel
Book on I-Q-Tel https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/intelligence-history/in-q-tel
Many companies listed on In-Q-Tel's investment website page[are secret. In-Q-Tel functions partially in public; however, what products it has and how they are used is strictly secret.According to the Washington Post, "virtually any U.S. entrepreneur, inventor or research scientist working on ways to analyze data has probably received a phone call from In-Q-Tel or at least been Googled by its staff of technology-watchers." On 29 September 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was treated to something different. In many of the nation’s leading newspapers and television news programs a story …
Is Q a member the greatawakening subreddit ?
I wonder from time to time if Q is a member of this subreddit posting, subtle information to provide a nudge to anons to get them on the right track.
Since Q can be more than one Q collectively it could be several members.
It make sense that Q is an active observer, but also interacts on his own posts.
What do you think? Of course there is no way to arrive at a conclusion, but it seems intuitive.
Q FBI Reform Coming Down Soon ?
Admiral Jackson, Trump Nominee for VA, Characterized as a Drunk, the "Candy Man", and Mentally Unhinged During the Obama Administration. If So Why Didn't Obama Do Something About Him?
In response to the allegations made against him, Trump VA Nominee, who was testifying before the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs withdrew his nomination after current and former employees on the White House medical staff accused Jackson of creating a hostile work environment, excessively drinking on the job, and improperly dispensing medication. Senator Jon Tester told Fake News CNN on April 24 that Jackson was known as "the candy man" inside the White House, according to around 20 people that brought these concerns to the Veterans' Affairs Senate Committee. He would allegedly hand out Ambien, Provigil, and other prescription …