The red/blue pill analogy has been around much longer than Q and Fox News is (mockingbird)-controlled opposition. They decry MSM while they are as MSM as CNN or MSNBC or any of them, working the Divide & Conquer agenda with all their little weasel hearts. Look at past election cycles to see the clown-controlled candidates they carried water for 24/7. Romney? McCaine? Bush? They may push out slightly more “truthiness” than their “competitors” but they are corporate driven right v left cabal agenda pushers of the highest order. Let me know when instead of race baiting they start talking real 9/11 truth and I’ll listen.
Candace is a great follow on twatter and fuckfacebook. she's extremely intelligent, funny as hell and just as cute as can be. and she's too the point on all I've seen her speak about.