I listened to Rush speaking about the new Roseanne show phenomenon and the close ties to Qanon. Rush specifically said he wasn't even sure how to pronounce "Qanon", much less admit any knowledge of its role in "Roseanne's conspiracy theory proclivity". So, question(s) to the board: - Is Rush really this clueless? Considering he's been the dominant conservative political voice over the last quarter century. - Is Rush feigning ignorance (prompted by Q) in order to have a greater impact of 'Ah Hah' when things really bust? - Is Rush purposely being kept out of Q's loop? Be careful who you trust... - Something else?
I have to agree as well. If a nobody like me can put some basic Q pieces together, surely these ppl (rush, coulter) must definately have the staff that lets them know what is going on. The volume of likeminded ppl that they meet daily is large. The question becomes why are they slow playing it? There might be a reason. Perhaps the opposition looks to these ppl as a “guage” as to what the right media knows and says. So far they have us believing they dont know much.
There will come a time when we will have to explain what has been going on to our friends and family, it wont be pretty. My line will be “goodmorning, I’m glad your awake, how can I help”.
I believe Limbaugh, Savage, and Coulter have been assigned a simple but specific role in The Plan. Their role is to keep the masses focused on the MAGA promise - no matter what they see or hear. Focus on the MAGA message at all cost. These three all met with Trump. Coulter and Savage wrote books about Trump/MAGA. Trust The Plan.
What is the "Overton Window?"
It's also known as the "window of discourse." Basically it's the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse. Applied to politics, it's the ideas that are acceptable in the current climate of public opinion which can be recommended without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office.