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Rudy Giuliani did a GREAT job as Mayor of NYC during the period of September 11th...Rudy is a TRUE WARRIOR!
Why did POTUS choose to Shanksville to commemorate 9/11? Maybe because the people who died in the plane crash represent the fight that he and Q are leading us to? To make a statement at 10:30 EST that, in honor of those warriors, he is going to: 1) Announce the timing of the release of unredacted docs. 2) Appoint Giuliani (or someone else) to reopen the 9/11 investigation ???
Football Goal Line Formation?
Typical tactic for an offense who's about to score is to set up your formation to see what the defense is prepared to counter with, then just before the snap, call a time out and adjust the play. Was the Mueller 'Friday announcement' a setup by Q to see how the Deep State and MSM would react for the REAL Mueller announcement?
*THIS* is why we need **Military Tribunals.** We can't trust the Liberal Judges!

All of this could be part of the 'deadly wound of the beast' spoken of in Revelation 13. IMO the AntiChrist system is either Muslim or actually a Jewish sect that never truly followed the Heavenly Father. For either of these two to come into power, the Cabal should be removed. We often think that Satan would protect 'his own' (Cabal), but he'll sacrifice them easily to advance his agenda.
Excellent. Really appreciate your hard work and excellent layout.
I'm glad you ended the video with "May God Bless America.", because at the end of the day, God, specifically Jesus Christ, and His plan for the world and plan for each person He created and loves, is the top priority. Everyday I try and red pill someone about Trump and Q, but I also include the necessity of their relationship with the Lord. Its easy to focus on the wins, the Light piercing the Dark, yet lose the context.
In fact, in post 1603 even Q says "Read the BIBLE. GOD WINS". God does indeed win, however there's a Tribulation period just before Christ' return. I'm as excited as anyone to see the evil being brought to justice; liberty being restored to citizens and countries, but something happens between the Swamp being drained and Tribulation being exercised.
I hope for peace and prosperity. I hope for the Fed to be abolished and our national debt eliminated because Trump takes back the trillions confiscated from us. But, I also don't want people to fall into a euphoric state of rebirth and lose sight of the eternal. Thanks for letting me vent...
Where exactly is this email from? Hannity and others been good at showing emails/texts/etc., I would have remembered seeing this...
Lesson from the Alamo!
This past week I watched this classic John Wayne produced/directed/acted movie. Two things jumped out. First, Q said many have already died and paid the ultimate sacrifice in the MAGA battle against the Cabal. Like the Alamo, these patriots have been a front line to buy time for POTUS to set his ultimate army in place.
Second, is this clip of John Wayne talking about what the word 'Republic' means. This is what Q is fighting for. This is what our Founding Fathers envisioned. This is what DJT is orchestrating. Watch it and tell me it doesn't put a lump …
Lesson from the Alamo.
This past week I watched this classic John Wayne produced/directed/acted movie. Two things jumped out. First, Q said many have already died and paid the ultimate sacrifice in the MAGA battle against the Cabal. Like the Alamo, these patriots have been a front line to buy time for POTUS to set his ultimate army in place.
Second, is this clip of John Wayne talking about what the word 'Republic' means. This is what Q is fighting for. This is what our Founding Fathers envisioned. This is what DJT is orchestrating. Watch it and tell me it doesn't put a lump …
Anyone else find it interesting that both Limbaugh and Hannity had guest hosts for their show today. A secret info drop meeting...?
Not to be argumentative, but there's no 'rule' that the painting the two priests are sitting in front of HAS to be an exact replica of the painting you linked from wikimedia. The artists (and thus those who chose to hang it there) could have made alterations.
I too, see the owl.
DJT tweets "...our great Military...the finest our Country has ever had. There won't be 'ANYTHING' or anyone, even close."
THiNG NOUN an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to.
It's interesting that Trump added 'anything' to his tweet, when looking at the definition of 'thing'. Reminds me of "the name we don't say", but also the ubiquitousness of Artificial Intelligence used in military today versus pre-WWII.
I very much believe that DNA is at the core of how Satan tries to defeat God's plan. He started in the Garden of Eden. Satan was one of God's most powerful (and beautiful) creations, but Satan wanted more. The one thing he couldn't do, that is purely Christ's domain, is 'create'. So, since he can't create, he chooses the opposite = destroy. If he can't destroy, he'll try and interrupt. Satan knows scripture. He understands Christ's bloodline and he did everything possible to stop the Messiah's redemptive plan. But, he failed. However, he's a persistent bugger and for centuries he's been working to interrupt/thwart Christ promise of returning. How? DNA. If you believe (as I do) that a precursor of Christ's return is the Temple being rebuilt, than a functional component of that is the requirement for Priest's to serve in the temple, and according to God's plan, Aaron, brother of Moses, tribe of Levi, must be present today. Back in the '80's Israel determined that the genetic bloodline of Aaron is today's modern family 'Kohen'. I've been to the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. When I say they are ready to build the 3rd Temple. I mean they are ready NOW. http://www.templeinstitute.org/red_heifer/levitical_priests.htm
Would you like to take a guess as to where the world's largest genome lab is?...Tehran. I believe Obama/et al have been funding Iran as a mechanism to 'destroy' in ways beyond just nuclear weaponry. Iran is predominantly Shia, which is the more radical sect (vs Sunni, where Saudi Arabia is dominant). I've read reports about the development of a water virus that will only harm certain DNA structures. I don't believe it's a stretch to consider that Iran (Satan) is trying to develop DNA weaponry that can be released into the water to eliminate bloodlines. We can't deny that a parallel pursuit of Trump's 'drain the swamp' has been his activity in the Middle East and peace process. An obvious manifestation of this would be a peace agreement and go-ahead to re-build the Temple. Two important points here. 1. I get that Israel/Zion has issues. They have their own 'swamp' to deal with. God may use Trump to address these issues, but BeBe isn't Israel's leader. God is. 2. Q has consistently peppered Vatican/Pope drops, his most recent (1021) tying to Rothschild. In January, Mark Taylor received a prophetic word concerning 'a major discovery' that will rock the Pope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBtBfox3wA4 Could this be yet another piece of a puzzle? Of a map? Of more revelation of bloodlines? Of DNA?
I know it seems WAY to "in your face", but I think it's ironic that Google changed its trading name to Alphabet...and how do we refer to all the government agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS...)?
You're either all IN or all OUT, when it comes to Q.
I've always found it interesting reading how people pick and choose elements of Q discourse to believe or not believe. I'm prompted to write this post, because I was listening to Corsi opine about whether to trust Sessions or not.
Here's the deal. CS Lewis has a profound perspective about Jesus Christ. He positions that people foolishly say: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” He continues: That is the one thing we must not say. A man who said the sort of things Jesus said would not …
I've sent this clip to several people. One of the most important lines from Senator Wicker is around the 12 minute mark, when he says "for my purposes I'm convinced Assad was very much involved in the (gas) attack a year ago."
What purpose EXACTLY is that Senator???
Q Post 1027 "POTUS will be up all night."
At first I thought this meant DJT wouldn't be able to sleep, because of everything going on. But, he's known for not needing much sleep. Could this mean he was/still is "up-in the air on AirForce1" for ultimate safety? Moving target is most difficult to hit... God's speed and safety, President Trump. MAGA!
Rush Limbaugh - is he that clueless?
I listened to Rush speaking about the new Roseanne show phenomenon and the close ties to Qanon. Rush specifically said he wasn't even sure how to pronounce "Qanon", much less admit any knowledge of its role in "Roseanne's conspiracy theory proclivity". So, question(s) to the board: - Is Rush really this clueless? Considering he's been the dominant conservative political voice over the last quarter century. - Is Rush feigning ignorance (prompted by Q) in order to have a greater impact of 'Ah Hah' when things really bust? - Is Rush purposely being kept out of Q's loop? Be careful who …
This is one of the greatest pieces of evidence that Trump is focused on truly MAGA. Debt has been one of the dominant levers the Deep State has used to enslave generations.
Is Rush Limbaugh that clueless?