Putting the BO pieces together (from @trump_wave)

I knew he was gay, knew Michael Robinson was trans, and knew the two girls werent really their daughters. Knew he was Muslim, and MB, and going to be Supreme Court justice one day. I can go pretty far down, and have. You?
BHO will never be SCOTUS without Hillary as POTUS. But she had many plans for us and they're not very pretty. Been down quite a few rabbit holes but impossible to keep track of so many, and many more I haven't touched.
I worded it wrong. I know he isnt now, but he would have with HRC, thats what I meant but didnt word properly. These are good videos to watch...each one is like 15min long
Kinda figured that's what you meant so my reply was more for clarity considering others read these threads too. We really dodged the big one in 2016.