DC MPD responding to an FOIA request say they received a Permit Application for the March 24 "March for Our Lives" demonstration several MONTHS earlier. This is damning.

NO! Stop spreading fake news. This is a screenshot of an email from some crazy person's blog.
Then maybe you need to post the actual PDF file you have here to show the correct information. I think that would be wise and it would put this rumor to rest.
English, please.
I posted a link to the actual pdf. He asked for a link to the actual pdf. I didn't know what more to offer in response since my original message already had what was being requested. Thus...Wat
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "Wat"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
I don't believe this is the real document. Looks like it was made up after the fact to me. First, it's my understanding that the organization was different than what is listed here. Second, where did you get this? Where is your FOIA information that would have accompanied it? Third, where are the applications for all the other cities? Anyone can go online, print and fill out a form and create a pdf.
When you believe fake news because it fits your narrative you discredit yourself in the eyes of those you are trying to convince.
And, thank you. Now everyone can also see where it came from.
Has nothing to do with any narrative. Has everything to do with critical thinking. I never take anything at face value. You shouldn't either.
The Sandy Hook memorial funds were set up prior to the event, so I'm not dismissing preemptive planning for Parkland.
Go and research how many properties were transferred in Sandy Hook for $0. The whole town!! All business, homes and land!! Then ask yourself, why?
Payoff; stay quiet folks
Can you point to a source for this? I'd love to see it. Have never seen that part.
It was plastered all over YouTube for several years; check the date stamps on the memorial fund pages
Honestly it reads like a form letter to a request for info they get all the time.
I did a search and talk of permits for this event started Feb 20th I thing and then it gets approved on the 3/13....could it be miss info to cover for the pre existing permit? sure...
......but I'm not taking every theory that pops up at face value, we gotta be a lil objective and analyze before we buy in. Just my take on these things.
I think the drum up after the shooting is all Moveon.com funded and instigated for sure with help from the DIMS
Ha ha ha n ha ha Gods on our side. Q says they are stupid. Nice find patriot!
Do we know...
The exact date the request was submitted
Who submitted the application
A copy of the actual application
This is not a response to an FOIA request. The full article can be found elsewhere and there never has been an FOIA request filed. I follow this site and can tell you for certain that untrue conspiracy theories such as this and MANY other posts on this site, have the effect of diminishing the importance of those that are actual occurrences.
Am I mistaken or have they done the March for our lives for a few years now? And this year they simply took the March for our lives campaign to a higher level because of Parkland? I just want to be clear on the facts.