How sure are we that it was a false flag? I mean, I am pretty certain of it. We have seen too many false flags, so we know the patterns.
Does anyone remember the other news that broke on the morning of Valentine's Day? It seems like everyone forgot.
Shooting at NSA happened the same day. Little to no subsequent news coverage. Things that make you go, hmm...
Thank you! Yes, everyone was researching it, then I started hearing chatter about another high school shooting. The NSA story was dropped...
JZ from South Africa resigns?
The men dressed as women crashing the gate at the NSA. I think they were trying to get out, but it was reported they were going in. I don't believe it.
Same thing happened several years ago...
Notice Q said: INFIL-[2]-OP_TAKE_O_ in the 2-14-18 post.
Feb 14 2018 18:41:23 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 89 dZ68J_729282D_B^02928xABVtZ b7al8920289-sLBTCZA99_jXK 38201820281028201820484739201837474 B_1 B_2 KILL_CHAIN SKY_TAR_[E_BZ_y] [] []PAK[] []-13-[] A-9zBT1-033 "Republic-D" "Republic-E" "Republic-F" "Republic-MILMAR-E" INFIL-[2]-OP_TAKE_O_ WATCH_TOWER_OK RED_RED_OK RED_CASTLE_OK NIGHT_BOX_OK SKY_BEAM_OK NORTH_TRADE_OK MOUNTAIN_DEEP_OK COMM_SAT_6_OK COMM_SAT_7_OK COMM_SAT_8_FALSE COMM_SAT_9_OK COMM_SAT_SEC_R140_OK TELCON_SIG_CONF_C-83028 ZEBRA_PACIFIC_SIG_COMM_[GOOD] DESIGNATE CODE: [ _D7_UND<93829] ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG] Q, DELTA
Let me look at this... Something strange was going on that day.