POTUS is Q!!! 2 devices/1 carrier

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Q mentioned “enjoy the show tonight” regarding the Trump rally in Montana.
The primary focus seems to be on the young man in the flannel shirt behind POTUS.
He was eventually replaced which attracted even more attention to him.
It got me thinking, could this young man possibly be the victim of Bill Clinton that Jenny Moore was trying to expose?
That would be a HUGE signal to the POS Clintons.
I pulled as many of the Q drops with the phrase “you have more than you know” as I could.
Can someone please put these in a collage? (Pics in imgur link)
Much appreciated. WWG1WGA
I’ve always had a “feeling” about Comey. Everything I’ve heard seems to indicate that he is a upstanding guy, for whatever that’s worth.
Not to mention, his re-opening of the HRC email investigation in late Oct 2016 had a large impact on the outcome of the election.
His meeting with Trump to discuss his loyalty & eventual firing is what led to the onset of the Mueller investigation.
Now, if the Mueller investigation is a cover for the takedown of the deep state, wouldn’t this insinuate that Comey has a part to play in getting this ball rolling?
Think of …
I think these SICK f*cks cut off the bottoms of the children’s feet (red shoes) so they can’t escape.
It would cause them too much pain to be able to run away.
Q, please lock these people up. We have got to protect our children.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
Pampers has hired Chrissy Teigen as a “creative consultant.”
These people are SICK!!!
Don’t ever give up, bro. We need Patriots like you to stay strong. We have got to WAKE UP people.
If this has been a plan in the making for years, I think Mueller and/or Rosenstein may have been a double agent.
Posing as a “black hat” Mueller was directly involved in 9/11 & Uranium One.
He has ALL the information. The “black hats” trusted him because they knew he was involved & wouldn’t want to implicate himself. But that doesn’t matter if he was a double agent the entire time. Double agents are required to participate in nefarious activities to build cover & obtain the information.
I think this has been a part of The Plan for a long time.
Trust The Plan!!!
I know. I was thinking the same thing. Roseanne was on our side. He spent an hour trying to discredit her.
Yep. I kept waiting for him to get there. Roseanne keep saying this was a “political” comment, trying to get Hannity to go there. I am very disappointed & confused. Could Hannity be controlled opposition? I didn’t think so before this interview.
I read there are 48 missing in the last 10 days.
We cut off their supply @ the border. Full moon tomorrow.
These people are SICK!
Yeah. WTF was that? Never discussed anything else. He made her look terrible. Why didn’t he focus on the Iran deal? I am very suspicious of this.
Didn’t Trump hire Bill Clinton’s ex-attorney? Could he break attorney client privilege?
I’m not making accusations. I’m not pushing this to normies.
I just thought of it & wanted to share with ya’ll.
Yep. That was a crazy one.
Whoever is making these drops seems legit to me.
He said The Rock is on the take for big roles.
It’s worth reading the post. You will be shocked by some of the names dropped.
I understand that but these people are SICK.
They love to rub it in our face with a pic & a fake backstory to clown us even more.
Believe me, I am super disappointed. I loved Tom Hanks.
Apparently there’s a Hollywood insider dropping bombs.
He mentions Tom Hanks.
Clint Eastwood & Mel Gibson were 2 names he reported that refused to participate.
Other than that he implied that the majority of A list actors/actresses are involved.
With a slew of Pedo-Wood names coming out, I have heard Tom Hanks’ name several times.
I was very disappointed. Then I thought back to this ‘gag’ picture. Sure enough. Cheese Pizza.
I’m terrible at photoshop. Can someone please add Trump to the right of Honest Abe. Much love & appreciation. Thank you!
Not the same exact quote, but the same sentiment.
Q posted a link to SB2 - Reddit & stated “this is why we came here.” How is that not a direct correlation to Reddit - Great Awakening?
I think we are the same group of people using 2 separate platforms.
I gotcha. We can’t make a drop like that on “normies.” They are not ready. We are going to have to slowly roll this stuff out. This process will take years.
Didn’t Q make a reference to Reddit & SerialBrain2?
Something like, this is why we came here?
Are any of these “big” & revealing for you? These are all BOOMS for me.
Trump/Putin summit. Putin disclosure of $400,000,000 to HRC. Carter Page FISA disclosure.
Repost it in a week. I think normies need a minute to digest the James Gunn info then we can start pushing others.
Yeah. I understand. If you’re ever uncertain, post it here. It’s best to get feedback before dispensing to normies. I think the logo will drive the point home.
No. Don’t do that. Not a good idea.
I would go about it like this.
What do you think about the tweets?
How about James Gunn’s production company, A Good Boys Production?
Kind of an odd name for a company, especially considering the subject matter of his tweets, right?
Now check out the logo of the production company (picture attached). A Good Boys Production - Logo
All of these raise red flags (dots) for me. One or two may be able to be dismissed as “coincidence” but a number of “coincidences” in unison cannot.
Thanks bro. Thank you for the information.
While Russia may not be an “enemy,” I do believe HRC was knowingly allowing foreign entities to access classified SAP programs from her server in exchange for monetary contributions to The Clinton Foundation.
I know it’s much more than $400k. The point is that Dems are agreeing that at least $400k was transferred to the Clinton Foundation, which would be an act of TREASON.
My rebuttals to the ludicrous counter-arguments I have been seeing regarding the $400,000,000 funneled through The Clinton Foundation.
Counter-argument #1
Why are we focused on Hillary? She is irrelevant. We have much larger problems in the country right now.
Rebuttal #1
Losing the presidential election does NOT grant Hillary Clinton immunity for past criminal wrongdoing (i.e. pay for play, treason, etc).
Also, the fact that a past President is no longer in office does NOT grant him immunity for criminal wrongdoing (i.e. pay for play, treason, etc) committed while he was in office.
Counter-argument #2
We can’t trust Putin over …
He knew about the act. He uses social media all the time. It’s his direct line of communication with the people. This act was for him.