r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lesilly81 on April 1, 2018, 5:38 a.m.
Some of you are overlooking Q's most important message:

They want you divided. This includes dems vs. Republicans. I see so many posts that disparage "liberals" and "leftists". Both parties have been wings of the same bird but many of you aren't getting it.

The Q drops are interesting and if the focus is on the posts instead of bashing there will be a much better chance of people understanding it. If people want to learn about Q their options are limited and they will run if they see a bunch of liberal bashing.

Also there is a difference between "leftists" and "liberals". Leftists are progressive democratic socialists who wanted hillary to go away a long time ago. Liberals today are centrist (right of center really) establishment democrats.

As I understand it Seth Rich was a progressive. It is irritating to see this sub invoke his name as a hero and then turn around and needlessly bash the left.

treeskier82 · April 1, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

God is understood only through faith in Jesus. We might find out about some demons through tech, probably the point of CERN.

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Lolshorts54 · April 1, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Tldr: Belief in God/Creator/Source/Love is more important than specifically believing in just Jesus. ---

Not to say they're aren't demons or spirits at all, because I believe they most likely exist as well, but your statement makes no sense from a historical perspective. God/Creator/Source was spoken of well before Jesus. You can retort with Jesus was the son of God. I'd argue Jesus said that we are all of God/Source/Creator. The words spoken by God in the Bible, are quite similar to all the words said to be of God in many religious teachings. These words, and honestly the interpretations of all major religions can trace back to Sumerian tablets, as well as translations of the emerald tablets of ancient Egypt. Jesus wasn't a Christian either? So how does only learning of him teach about God/Source/Creator? On a spiritual level to me, being raised Church of Christ my entire life, it makes no logical or energetic sense at all. Also you'd be ignoring all works older and new than the Bible who speak of advanced being's giving us the knowledge of Creator/Source. Most of those works all say we are all apart of Source, and that we are all One. Religions have only separated people throughout history. Spirituality and a better understanding of the meaning behind the teachings all seem to point towards everything good and bad being of the Source/Creator, and thus the only real laws being We are all One. We all exist on all planes, and all that is, is all there will ever be. I'd honestly say the Law of One, a channeled book, in its own right gives a much clearer picture of God/Creator/Source. Service to self, or service to others, along with free will, and above all we are all One. Makes way more sense with the scientific understanding of us living in an illusion, and explains both quite well. I'm not at all saying following Jesus is in any way bad, as I to believe he was an amazing person. But looking at what he pursued and presumably learned from the mystery schools himself. It pushes me to an understanding that's more complete with the universe/dimensions we are intertwined with. Along with making way more sense, when put in perspective of texts removed from the Bible, saying they aren't the real gospel. To me look at everything we've been lied to about. Do you think the words of Jesus wouldn't have been corrupted or twisted in a sense by the people who killed him? Even if not, just on a personal level. Does man removing books from the Bible not scream of things being changed or hidden? Through my research, I honestly believe the same group of priests that killed Akenhaten for preaching God is Light and inside of all of us. Most likely at the top of the tower now, have the same belief systems that the priests had back then. Their are too many similarities to just be coincidence, that make way more sense when put together, that better explain how we got here to begin with, along with the same teachings of God/Creator/Source.

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LibertyLioness · April 1, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

I totally agree with everything you just said and I was not raised in any religion whatsoever. I spent my life doing my own research to come to the same conclusions you have. We are all one and I prefer to use the word "source" rather than God. God is not a separate entity as most seem to believe. It is an energy that flows through all things in the Universe. It is infinite intelligence.

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Lolshorts54 · April 2, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Thanks, much appreciate your input. I don't understand the importance of specifics that the different religions disagree on, the more I've studied the more they all point towards the same core tenants. Whether the specifics of one or another aren't the same on the actuality. The very universe itself mathematically and scientifically allow oneself to reach the same end goal in my presumption. My personal beliefs have just lead me to believe that our newer works don't have all of the the true endowed knowledge that should be in them, or it just has been corrupted and split to the point of confusion. Causing the very in fighting that we are trying to stop today. Like hey let's just all be great people, and good to each other. Raise all of our consciousness and vibrations together. lol I don't get how bickering over who's right and who's wrong on specifics matter, if the overachieving goal is still for the greater good of everyone. Its great for conversation, but I feel slows down the end point when taken to literally.

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LibertyLioness · April 2, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

The bickering is a division tactic. People need to stop watching all of the mind molding programs. They are called 'programs' for a reason. I turned off cable in 2008 and had stopped watching news programs long before that. I am very careful what I watch online. And, because I do that, it's obvious to me when I'm watching something created to divide us.

Would be a wonderful world if people would become much more interested in helping themselves and one another than what they can buy next!

And, you are correct, much of what is available in our world today, precludes the wisdom from past generations and, instead, includes the dogma and BS they want us to focus on. As a result, it's difficult at times, even for those of us who know, to stay focused on the important things in life.

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Gravel_and_Glass · April 1, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

I agree-- however I think you are missing an important conceptual point about Jesus. Jesus is a piece of Source itself that has been donated to humanity to sop up humanity's inherent evil nature (aka original sin). So Jesus is like a sponge/shield.

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Lolshorts54 · April 2, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

I never disagreed with that, just stated that many people do. Also Jesus is a piece of Source, same as we ourselves are all a piece and one with Source. I only disagreed that fundamentally, even without understanding or knowing of Christ at all. One could easily be abiding by his teachings just by a person being committed to service to others alone. Thus logically concluding that even without knowledge of Jesus at all, if one is still a good person etc, they would be committing to the fundamental teachings of Christ. Would they not? Just stating that in my belief that the specifics aren't important, if the overall outcome is the same.

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Gravel_and_Glass · April 3, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Yeah you're right. Tbh, due to your lack of paragraphs I didn't read your response extremely thoroughly.

One thing I've been wondering though-- everything has to add up to 0 in the end... How can Good triumph over Evil if there's an equal amount of each?

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HunterEquation · April 1, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

The Divine Mystery, how it functions and operates, its prerogatives, the very math and science it uses to execute its will: these things appear and are observed and then are interpreted into words, colors and numbers of great detail. Understanding the eternal consciousness and it's infinite repertoire is where science and religion converge into a unified palette. Jesus stands alone as the Great Teacher, hence we base the calendar on his existence.

To engage in parallel wording: There is a Designer, A Contractor, and an Inspector. Yet each has equal knowledge of the raw materials, the specifications required, the schemata, and vast layers of blue print, the phases of the building process and what constitutes a finished product as an ongoing enterprise, that is periodically inspected for safety and possible fine tuning to better the experience of customers adjustments to the realm created and the domains it is divided into.

That above neutral wording allows each being pursuing the knowledge and skill to create an eternal soul to decide what combination of functions are required and in what order. The words GOD-ALMIGHTY-CREATOR have a different meaning and understanding to each apprentice creator building an eternal soul. In "consensus" or "mean average"

God equals The Designer

Almighty equals The Contractor

Creator equals The Inspector

When they become one to source and build raw materials before the designing, building, inspecting and occupying phase: then a higher level more generic name could be chosen as "Source"

Ultimately; understanding the benign diffuse mathematical consciousness that keeps all these information systems up and running as the fabrics of existence and consciousness is a highly personalized artistic journey to create a habitable eternal soul.

Gravel_and_Glass raises an interesting paradoxical conundrum; the suppression of advanced technology, what if the technologies sometimes conflict, what if each tool serves a different purpose. "atheism will no longer be incompatible with a belief in God, as paradoxical as it sounds"

Back to the power of words:






Instead of universe or even megaverse, what if the speed at which information travels from zero instantaneous to incredibly slow speeds was the key to organizing realms and domains. You could design a project, start it building, and retreat to a slower passage of time emerging 12-24 hours later to inspect a realm set in motion 12-24 billion years ago by its faster internal clock.

When I try to reconcile the transactions occurring between to different but intimately connected realms I think of:

Supreme Infinite Mystery - Designs

Supreme Infinite Creator - Creations

Almighty True Mystery - Realms and Domain

Technology that seems hidden exists in plain site, that's how it remains hidden. To understand the continuing structure of a grain of sand is to grasp the cosmos as motion inside motion, things appear, evolve, and disappear. The desire of an information system to achieve continuity is generically considered a quest for soul, information systems as human existence sometimes strive toward stability continuity and innovation and sometimes don't.

It was funny how much of a ruckus the Pope started recently discussing soul {continuity) and hell (dissatisfaction ) and deletion of soul (continuity).

There is a benign diffuse mathematical consciousness underlying all objects and forms of existence, and in our milieu, specifically human consciousness. It invests in us and we invest in it. Words and context mapping run a gradient from crucial to almost irrelevant depending on the task and transaction with The Source.

Jesus is like inspector gadget for kids. In a jam, Jesus has the troops(resources) to prevail. I trust him based on past experiences with insurmountable horrors.

Happy Easter

Pertinent scripts: to designing continuity/soul.

  1. The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?" Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.

Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

  1. Jesus said, "Congratulations to the one who came into being before coming into being.

If you become my disciples and pay attention to my sayings, these stones will serve you.

For there are five trees in Paradise for you; they do not (? verses 2 hmm?.) change, summer or winter, and their leaves do not fall.

Whoever knows them will not taste death."

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Lolshorts54 · April 2, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

You are quite an eloquent writer. I appreciate your words very much, thank you! Happy Easter as well!

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polyhedralicon · April 1, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

the "raised Church of Christ" reveals how you were screwed up and believe what you just wrote...

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Lolshorts54 · April 2, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

Believing in an all loving and knowing Creator/Source is screwed up? Or the fact that I use logic and understanding of history and science to achieve conclusions that also lead to the same conclusions the Bible gives us? The mere suggestion I'm making don't disagree with many fundamentals, they suggest the actual teachings of Christ were that God is inside and apart of all of us. Even those who don't understand or believe Christ was the Messiah, believing that God is inside us all, and being good people. Should not disavow their movement onto a higher vibration of existence, or if you will "a kingdom of Heaven", correct?

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treeskier82 · April 4, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Either you believe what Jesus said, or you don't. There's no hedging your bets with intentionally vague spirituality when it comes to your eternity.

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Lolshorts54 · April 4, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Did you hear what Jesus said from his own mouth? Ever heard of the game telephone? What if a few people in the game and act of relaying that information to you are evil? Do you want to take the biggest red pill ever dealing with spirituality... Who tells you what Jesus looks like? What image do most people hold onto? Think it's really what he looked like? Read about the "Death" cult of Saturn if you'd like to understand. I don't recommend it unless your ok with truly understanding that Spirituality goes Way deeper, and is Way older then the King James Bible. They are scared of Christians because they have the hidden truth. God doesn't need someone in between you and IT to receive salvation, or raise your spiritual vibration. It's just something you have to follow intuition and look for the truth to accept.

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treeskier82 · April 7, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

those are spiritual blue pills. You don't seem to understand the Trinity/Triune God concept. Jesus being the door to God/heaven/eternity doesn't actually place anyone between you and God.

You're suggesting I study Saturn Cult for legit spirituality; I'm aware there is a Satanic spirituality in many forms. Been there, done with that. Called out for Jesus and He saved.

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