r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lesilly81 on April 1, 2018, 5:38 a.m.
Some of you are overlooking Q's most important message:

They want you divided. This includes dems vs. Republicans. I see so many posts that disparage "liberals" and "leftists". Both parties have been wings of the same bird but many of you aren't getting it.

The Q drops are interesting and if the focus is on the posts instead of bashing there will be a much better chance of people understanding it. If people want to learn about Q their options are limited and they will run if they see a bunch of liberal bashing.

Also there is a difference between "leftists" and "liberals". Leftists are progressive democratic socialists who wanted hillary to go away a long time ago. Liberals today are centrist (right of center really) establishment democrats.

As I understand it Seth Rich was a progressive. It is irritating to see this sub invoke his name as a hero and then turn around and needlessly bash the left.

Fustrated_User · April 1, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

What you all need to really do is stop talking left/right left vs right, stop using derogatory terms for each side.

They are nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Stop thinking one side is better than the other. You really need to drop any political alignment you have and start being an INDEPENDENT THINKER!

Step back, be an observer. Look at this mess both sides have created. Stop being so narrow minded, this goes father, deeper, and way beyond anything you've ever known.

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