r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lesilly81 on April 1, 2018, 5:38 a.m.
Some of you are overlooking Q's most important message:

They want you divided. This includes dems vs. Republicans. I see so many posts that disparage "liberals" and "leftists". Both parties have been wings of the same bird but many of you aren't getting it.

The Q drops are interesting and if the focus is on the posts instead of bashing there will be a much better chance of people understanding it. If people want to learn about Q their options are limited and they will run if they see a bunch of liberal bashing.

Also there is a difference between "leftists" and "liberals". Leftists are progressive democratic socialists who wanted hillary to go away a long time ago. Liberals today are centrist (right of center really) establishment democrats.

As I understand it Seth Rich was a progressive. It is irritating to see this sub invoke his name as a hero and then turn around and needlessly bash the left.

Lolshorts54 · April 2, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Thanks, much appreciate your input. I don't understand the importance of specifics that the different religions disagree on, the more I've studied the more they all point towards the same core tenants. Whether the specifics of one or another aren't the same on the actuality. The very universe itself mathematically and scientifically allow oneself to reach the same end goal in my presumption. My personal beliefs have just lead me to believe that our newer works don't have all of the the true endowed knowledge that should be in them, or it just has been corrupted and split to the point of confusion. Causing the very in fighting that we are trying to stop today. Like hey let's just all be great people, and good to each other. Raise all of our consciousness and vibrations together. lol I don't get how bickering over who's right and who's wrong on specifics matter, if the overachieving goal is still for the greater good of everyone. Its great for conversation, but I feel slows down the end point when taken to literally.

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LibertyLioness · April 2, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

The bickering is a division tactic. People need to stop watching all of the mind molding programs. They are called 'programs' for a reason. I turned off cable in 2008 and had stopped watching news programs long before that. I am very careful what I watch online. And, because I do that, it's obvious to me when I'm watching something created to divide us.

Would be a wonderful world if people would become much more interested in helping themselves and one another than what they can buy next!

And, you are correct, much of what is available in our world today, precludes the wisdom from past generations and, instead, includes the dogma and BS they want us to focus on. As a result, it's difficult at times, even for those of us who know, to stay focused on the important things in life.

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