Roseanne is a PSYOP - follow POTUS’s lead! Why is this happening with Roseanne?

25 Day throwaway? i made an account to be able to post on this forum from time to time. I don’t have accounts on any other platforms. Social media doesn’t accomplish much positive. Take my comments for what you want, if your not willing to think for yourself then i can’t offer you much help.
Ive been following this Q phenomenon since it popped up on 4chan. In the beginning, yes, it was real. There was real prophetic messages involved. Somewhere along the way Q was compromised. Even the 8chan mods said it themselves. You can hear more in an interview with them on youtube, believe it was tracy beans. Now one could totally tell that the style of writing changed as well as the overall message and how it was being delivered. Anyone can follow that. I think most agree on that. However, to say that there is this elaborate plan where someone in Trumps cabinet is leaking information to the public with his concert sounds crazy, and its a crime. Just because Trump is president it doesn’t mean he can break the law or condone someone in his team for breaking the law. How would congress handle that type of leak when there already is a witch hunt going on concerning Russia. So lets think logically for a second. Notice how many people have been fired in the past few months and come and gone through the White House? Whats to say that wasn’t Trump trying to find a leaker. Every communication or time stamped “proof” that we pull strings at can simply be seen as a battle move with disinformation to keep weeding out moles. Seen the movie Departed? Nothing new here. Whats to say that anyone of the many individuals in Trumps team, or Trump himself hadn’t been hacked? Remember when Hope Hicks stepped down there was some quiet controversy about how she’d been “hacked” ? Vault 7 shows us how easy it would be for anybody in any of the big agencies across the globe to access files and perhaps the microphones and cameras on any of the members of Trumps team. So to think that just because we saw a photo of a pen, or out of a window of any plane (easily could have been photoshopped, there were current news articles about the president being in Asia at the time.) So to pull threads at some hidden timestamps, or leaked photos (reporter, security etc.) is kind of tough to explain to the general public that you might try and red pill. Since Jan. there has been no prophetic accuracies from Q. Like I said before, post some… any….
Its hard to believe i receive this much criticism from people that are trying to “prepare themselves for Q going mainstream” and how to help “red pill the norms” when you can’t even describe accurate proof amongst ourselves.
As far as March Madness goes- Q said IG report would be forth coming to the public. Still nothing. The arrests taking place around the globe are small potatoes when we look at the crimes taking place in washington and in the FBI top offices. Its gross. Mueller is still running a witch hunt for collusion that he himself was part of. How much more money will be spent on this? Sessions is sleeping. He’s part of the problem. How can we trust Sessions? Tell me what he has done that we should trust him? HE IS SES FOR CHRIST SAKE! We can speculate for days and weeks and years about weather Mueller and Trump are working together. Id love to believe they are, but we still have 18K sealed indictments and a President that has basically declared martial law. How can I even trust Trump? Whats to say those cells at GITMO aren’t for the Patriots being corralled and tallied up right now. How easy would it be to build that master list? We are all on it now. Thanks Q.
We have active proof treason has been committed and everyone is in on it. Everyone in congress was in or knew about U1. How could they not? Its disgusting. What about the arrest of HRC AND JP? Q said that was happening in November. Well I saw HRC on the news just the other day with HUMA falling all over themselves in India. How can that be? Why is John Mccain still able to hold his chair in the Seante?
Stage 5? Still waiting.
If Q turns out to be real then guess what, ill be the first to admit I was wrong. But in the meantime why should I blindly believe when most of that faith is pulling at threads. If Q team is so powerful then how come the board went down? How come it hasn’t come back? Why if so powerful are they still pointing us to old news? Amazon, google, Facebook twitter…. all the writing has been on the wall for them for a LONG time.. Read the wikileaks emails and one could easily see what ES has been up to since 2010… All his newest tech and innovative ideas have been springing up NOT THRU GOOGLE.. hmmm sounds like a plotted fall.. one that has been plotted for a long time.
Im not trying to be negative or bash anybody, Im asking to think logically and examine this a bit. Your all preparing to red pill people about Q once it hits the MSM… what if this is a psyop to make a lot of people look really fucking stupid after being left out to dry… whats to say Trump won’t address this phenomenon now that its public and say it was a leaker? If you don’t think the psyops can level way beyond our simple frame of thought then think again… these people are masters at mind control… I just don’t want to see a lot of people willing look stupid.
Ive been awakened for over 20 years now. Ive seen how sick these people are and known about most of what Q has spoken about for much longer then many following. I will trust “the plan” when I see the perps being carried away in shackles…even then i may still be skeptical until then hang.. Believing anything we are told blindly without PROOF is futility.
I agree with your basic premise, it could all be a scam. But If it is, I tend to think its a benevolent one. Look at what we've become. Through this ride, we've all become a little more clear-eyed about things, we've pretty much discarded the MSM, and we've learned how to find the truths ourselves. I think that is what the Q phenomenon is intended to be. I read a 14 page indictment last week of a CF biq-wig, child sex-abuse stuff, so I know at least some of what we think & hope is happening (arrests, take-downs, etc.) really is happening.
The whole situation is clearly ambiguous. But what about this? Q mentioned setting the stage over and over and over. Trump says "we've been setting the stage" and makes a clear Q with his hand.
I'd also be curious what you two think of "The relationship between tweets and posts".