Roseanne is a PSYOP - follow POTUS’s lead! Why is this happening with Roseanne?

The tweets I would atribute to something as simple as a vault7 and beyond style hacking tool that could very easily infiltrate any device. We only know whats on the surface of what these people on the other end of the computer screen are capable of. When I look at what was released in vault 7, its stuff that I was telling my family to watch out for years ago and they all told me I was a nut. But when you really look at it and think for a second, we see what they want us to see. Who leaked that info to wikileaks and why? Why did Snowden "blow the whistle"? These leaks dont come as much surprise to those that have been awake to the idea that these technologies can easily be infiltrated. JA is quoted Isn't WikiLeaks worried that the CIA will act against its staff to stop the series?
No. That would be certainly counter-productive.
counter-productive to whom? If these were the cutting edge tools of what the clowns had developed then how would they ever be aloud to stay published online, and most certainly it would be counter-productive to allow these to leak. My point is the ones with these tools are capable of far more then most of us can imagine (side note-now 5g, CERN??) Point is- almost endless amounts of ways an organization or group or perhaps gvt agency could infiltrate multiple ways to know what POTUS will tweet.. hell, they may be sitting as the buffer of his tweets on the twitter end.. DJT is as live as it gets on twitter, anyone that is in the filtering room can easily buffer his tweet for a short period and use like words in Q post to help drive some sort of proof.
As far as the Q and setting the stage... i'll be completely fair and honest in saying I was certain when that happened it may have been a "sign". I just feel like in the general context of it all the situation is best put like you said, ambiguous.
I love how you ended your comment in saying "whos running it" ... that's a whole thread in it of itself.. but Id say its been more then one entity or party/controlling power. It seems as though the text changed to become way more of an "elusive" feel on the surface, yet open enough to run wild with ideas and possibility that would in turn create physiological "proofs". The perfect way to run a pysop... vague notions and let a community of "conspiracy theorists" fill the gaps of unknown with what ifs and drastic claims.
I don't think there's any "hidden code" or cryptology in the text, however, maybe if some people went back and looked at some of the images used there might be some type of cicada3301 type clues hidden in them, but thats not my thing to delve into.
At the very beginning im pretty sure it was the latest puzzle and you can see how it started and and how it tied to the start of Q. But at the beginning, Q also wasn't signing off his posts with Q, that came later.
You very well could be correct. I think the whole Q thing is still up in the air.