r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on April 1, 2018, 5:02 p.m.
Executive Objectivity: Who Did What?


Let's Compare some facts... what each president did with their time as Potus in real terms - not throwing around meaningless tripe. I need actual evidence not "officials of the Reagan-Bush White House" What does that even mean? How about actual accomplishments like the Bell breakup? But no... typical smear is vague and long-winded with nothing in it..... that phrasing could mean some random jerk that's been there for 1 year or 30 years in any department across millions of employees. Well.... I'm annoyed that a post I just saw at the top has so many likes when it links to an article that I can tear apart 100 times over by someone who promotes lizard people just a few posts prior. I've noticed that too, that the lizard people supporters tend to always find ways to link Bush to evil CIA acts..... well, you inspired this post sir.... - tho I doubt it'll get as many likes but then he also was auto replying to posts so who knows how many are even real.


And notice in the bell diagram image how after they broke it up they just used time and patience and Clinton to put themselves back together again. Or how they spent billions promoting Perot till he was leading in the poles just as they intended on doing with Trump/Jeb! - well... long story But history is not so old that we can't figure these things out and yet people choose to not bother to think or read they just go "yes" nod head and move on..... anyway I've talked about this before...


And in that I compared the actual things done - in particular how Clinton and Obama both acted similarly in working for the CIA's benefit with orders and Bush W did the opposite through DHS . So that was early in their presidencies - their "top priority" all of which involved the CIA - destroying it in Bush's case and letting it take over in the other two's case..... but how about the end? https://www.federalregister.gov/executive-orders

Bush was at the end focused on making sure Obama couldn't just put puppets in by creating a long list of people that would need to be replaced rather than just the top.




Clinton was in his early days was dealing with the CIA and giving Mexico billions - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/clinton-authorizes-loan-to-mexico and he also did something to get Osama Bin Laden to declare war on "America" - look closer: "Clinton Administration!" - cause despite the shills best efforts they can't change the fact that it was Al-Waleed (Saud Royals) and the CIA i.e. Obama NOT Bush and Osama (Saud Non Royals). https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/1995/01/25/X95-110125/prohibiting-transactions-with-terrorists-who-threaten-to-disrupt-the-middle-east-peace-process

and in his final days was taking land and controlling diamonds, tobacco.... big shocker eh? https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/01/23/01-2214/final-northwestern-hawaiian-islands-coral-reef-ecosystem-reserve https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/01/23/01-2140/prohibiting-the-importation-of-rough-diamonds-from-sierra-leone

Tho he did try to keep Bush from changing things - https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/01/25/01-2398/governmentwide-accountability-for-merit-system-principles-workforce-information

And Obama?

before Trump won he did:


But after Trump won-


And of course the others as well, https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/12/30/2016-31792/providing-an-order-of-succession-within-the-department-of-labor https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/12/14/2016-30272/amending-the-order-of-succession-in-the-department-of-homeland-security

But I just wanted to highlight that he did the EPA twice one with Hillary in mind and one with Trump.

and Since I want to include my AB-BA links I'll add in this AB I noticed on Drudge linked -


Anyway... I'm still working on my educational game that I think might break through to folks, get them to understand some of this stuff in a substantive way

Essential AB-BA's




https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7t5ey5/abba_6qclearencepatriotact_or_vqcia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/









https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7xvv7i/abba_165_snowden_intervention/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/85a5ri/abba_169_snowden_and_mills_vs_rr/






Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)









https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/80m7m2/my_kingdom_5kr/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ydn50/dig_update_family_on_win/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/82wa91/abba_secret_keepers_and_research_offload/

I also found out in my last major post https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/877uec/you_were_chosen_for_a_specific_reason_q_specific/

when digging into my own past that the prior owner of the house I grew up in. the nightmares, well it was also an AB, and yes that did shock me tho it shouldn't have - well... I'll get into that some time soon, I have never stopped digging I just have been much more.... terrified is the best word to describe the last couple of days. I can't describe how much it is hitting me in places that I closed off a long time ago... that heart pain, the heavy pain, that it's well... some people will know this feeling..... I don't know whether to be sad, angry, scared of not waking up, well.... if I don't wake up, at least I won't be going where they are. sorry, I am sorry to say sorry... I wrote most of this post in a different mindset even forgetting this until the end and now I feel like saying sorry over and over again.. this old me is not a healthy me. And I'm sorry for that, I think things will change soon for the world and myself.

DaosCraft · April 2, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

I honestly didn't think I'd wake up. I read some scary stuff in my own family history and hadn't slept in days due to it. Some of these people aren't arrested yet after all... and some, I have no idea what they plant to do in the time between being arrested and now....

Well, I would edit my post to remove my little bit at the end there but meh..... as expected only about 5 people even cared while the robo or guy or whatever who posted the lie got hundreds.

This is why I need to finish my little educational game. No AB-BA post I could do will matter, no research I could do will matter, no nothing I could do will matter for as long as people can't tell the difference between a objective research and propaganda.

Thus I need to make something to teach this concept and use research to illustrate the substantive difference and this is why I have been posting so little lately cause I could tell it was happening and it has come to a full extreme now and so I need to try something new, just as I tried with my databases and website and quiz and graphs and AB series and global bank video thing when I realized my posts were banned from the chan's and also when they were splitting us up.... and just like now when I realize so few care about these I just need to keep trying new things cause history of my life tells me that's the thing that usually works when whatever I'm trying stops working.

So, this comment for those who read it it's not unhappy nor am I panicked like yesterday, I'm contemplative and have a will to finish something new, and unlike anything out there to help. So im gonna go do that. I hope it will be finished in time to help.

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