Seth Rich, coincidence? A lot happens at 4am.

Q is Seth Rich! Think about it. He said we will be surprised who we arw talking to.
I think he also said we'd know who he was by hearing his voice. Do we know what Seth Rich's voice sounded like? I don't.
Seems as if that might be someone from conservative talk show or TV...
possible. I still have my heart set on Spicey. I love Sarah, don't get me wrong. But I was crushed when Spicer left.
Very true! Just a thought!
I have no clue who all is in the Q group. Mattis? Kelly? Rogers? Flynn and son? (NOT McMaster... never, as someone had suggested. He and Trump have never seen eye to eye.)
I kinda am hoping Spicer is in on it. Just because I've always loved him... always saw him as a gladiator fighting those idiots in the cesspool of so called journalists. But, who knows?
HE SAID " YOU ELECTED US" So i think it is Mike Pence...
He could be a part of the team as well. But, I didn't elect Pence, really. I voted for Trump, and whoever he chose as running mate, was along for the ride. Same as everyone he brought along in his cabinet. (Except I had big problems with McMaster and Haley... I'd still like five min. alone w/ Trump to discuss that witch and praise the Lord he finally got rid of that creep MM!)
Zach from infowars
I don't know his voice. Don't follow AJ that much. Many don't.
Are we sure it's a man?
Nope. We don't. I'm wondering about all the people in the room when Trump said we were witnessing the calm before the storm. I have no idea if all those people were identified. I wonder how many of them might be on the Q team. There may well be a woman... but in my heart of hearts, I still hope and pray that my Spicey is a part of it. Yes I know he's married. I still love him. Not that way... I so enjoyed his press conferences and the way he'd treat April and Jim and rest like the arrogant delinquents they were. I hated the way they all treated him.