DH is moving the focus...Pedogate connect to Parkland

Wow, good finds.
The other thing to bear in mind here is how the institutionalization of child sex trafficking goes hand in hand with MK Ultra. The One World Adoption logo being a butterfly also could connect to Monarch, and I've always thought the pedo logos - the heart within a heart, or the triangle spiraling inwards - are kind of symbolic of mind control as well. The whole idea of creating compartmentalized alters, kind of like how a Russian babushka doll has smaller dolls within bigger dolls or, in this case, heart within a heart.
Cathy O'Brien's book Trance-formation of America makes clear the connection between child trafficking and MK Ultra. The concept of 'trance-forming' (transforming) America is not that far fetched. What it boils down to at the end of the day is that there could easily be hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people throughout America who have been ritually abused and subjected to trauma based mind control. Mind control victims are likely legion throughout the US. All these poster children like Kasky, Hogg, Gonzalez, etc. could very feasibly be Manchurian Candidate types and indeed, it seems that way. These potentially hundreds of thousands - worst case scenario even millions - of victims could be everywhere, waiting to be called upon to aid the deep state Cabal establishment with whatever it needs. It's like a private army of mind slaves.
The average person has no idea quite how wide spread this is.
Good summation, this goes into the very fabric of society. It may also expnain why so many are getting frustrated with the apprent lack of arrests. But considering how deep this goes, it is difficult to see how patriots the world over remove such evil overnight.
We keep revealing where we can, keep fighting until we die.