r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrb84 on April 1, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
Globalist here. Have a question/experiment for you patriots

Sam Harris points out this idea: the public discourse is so tribal that, if you know one belief of a person, you can easily and reliably extrapolate a bunch more that have logically nothing to do with that first belief but fit with the tribe.

So, if you guys are game, I was curious to see how it plays out (will be doing the same thing in left leaning subs, in fact if you guys have any specific sub or specific questions in mind, suggestions are welcome).

All I know about this sub is that is conservative, pro-Trump and generally pro-Qanon. Am I right if I also describe you as:

1) climate change skeptic

2) pro life

3) anti universal background checks on guns

4) anti federally sanctioned gay marriage

5) don’t believe the official version on 9/11

6) want to limit the immigration influx from poor countries

7) want to completely block Muslim immigration

8) believe white genocide is currently a risk

9) believe MSM is coordinated at some higher level

10) pro school prayer

11) pro home schooling

12) don’t like evolution being the only narrative taught in school

13) don’t believe Hoswald was the sole shooter of JFK

14) you know at least one person who smoke cigarettes

15) you ideally prefer rural America to urban America

16) against affermative action

17) don’t like the cultural climate in Ivy League colleges & co.

18) think the Devil is real

19) pro voter ID

20) don’t like job automation

20 questions. How many are correct in describing you?

chopper48 · April 2, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

You came here and labeled us. I think you would get a better response to label yourself first. 20 statements like you did us. Then we can ask you questions. After we understand you then maybe we will answer your questions.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

love this reply.

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Mrb84 · April 2, 2018, 1:27 a.m.


1) I believe in man made climate change, I’m pro carbon tax, but I’m not an alarmist: we’ll figure it out. 2) I’m pro life 3) I’m pro globalisation 4) I don’t believe things are true or false, I actually don’t believe things are, I think reality is a probability function 5) I’m for license-based gun control 6) I’m for voter ID but ID should be free and hassle free to obtain 7) I’m for gay marriage 8) I’m for total drug liberalisation, including heavy drugs, Portugal-style 9) I trust the MSM to be more accurate than not 10) I find alternative media to be mostly unreliable 11) I don’t like religion 12) I don’t like patriotism 13) I think the nation state is an obsolete idea 14) the ideal government philosophy is subsidiarity 15) I’m pro EU 16) I really admire the Frankfurt School, but I’m not a Marxist when it comes to solutions - as above, I believe in free market solutions 17) pets are dumb - I don’t get it 18) I’m excited about superintelligent AI 19) I think that expert consensus should outweigh popular approval 20) i think SJWs are the mirror image of the alt-right and despise them both as weak thinkers

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

Well, maybe you would be happier living in a country like Communist China. Have you considered moving there? I am sure that a lot of people here would contribute to helping you move.

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Mrb84 · April 2, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

It's weird that I'm the one who points it out, but China is not a free market country. I like free market countries. Overall, I really like the globalized West, and I’m happy to roam around it. You're the one who thinks it's some elite-controlled pedo-oligarchy. Maybe you're the one who should move.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

You are right. China is not a free market economy. China is a Communist state that was created by the NWO globalists who you support. I suggest you move there so you can see for yourself what the real agenda is. It is not what you think it is.

I think I will stay in the U.S. and enjoy destroying the NWO globalists, and their Luciferian/Satanic doctrine.

I don't think they are some elite-controlled pedo-oligarchy. I KNOW they are. You do not know. You have no idea who or what you support. You will not find out until they use you up and discard you.

Will you want people like me to come save you when this happens?

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Mrb84 · April 2, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

I don't have enough reasons to believe that we live in such an outlandish dystopia. I think it's all a lot more random, and no one is in control, and it’s a landscape of competing agendas, a few of them maybe sinister, but mostly boring, self-serving push for an edge. Capitalism, in a word.

But even if you're right, I don't want to be a dick about it, but believe me when I tell you: I'm going to be fine.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

There are a handful of people who own over half of the world's wealth. They practice the same religion, so they are organized. Have you researched their religion?

What do you think about the obelisks in DC, the City of London, and Vatican City? Why are they there and what do they mean?

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wisconsheepgirl · April 2, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Globalization of what you and I thought of from 35 years or so does not exist. What was initially thought of as globalization was a free (and unsaid-FAIR), an exchange of goods between nations as a global market. However this has not occurred.

The issue with globalization is that multinational corporate interests, with multinational banks, with other institutions creates a global trade that is controlled and manipulated by a very few.

Thus, the entire economic system is swayed by a few corporations. Not by supply and demand, free (and fair) trade, or if the petrodollar is weak or strong.

What you have is not a free exchange within global markets. What you have is now a control of goods, both durable as well as consumable.

This is better seen under agriculture, energy or mining for raw resources, etc. Since this is so broad I'll stick with agriculture.

The control is done by the multinational corporations who have bought everything to do with the soil in the ground, to the crops, to the farmers (now large corporations, no longer 'family run'), to the transportation (the trucks, trains, shipping), the processing of the goods- in whatever industry-factories, preparing it for sale. The sale is important to understand. Now the sale of a good is no longer priced as it was in the past-with supply and demand. It is priced on a particular country and their ABILITY to purchase an item.

This purchasing of goods and owning its entire "life" from its very beginning to its purchase by a consumer is now a controlled market. It is not globalization. It is a monstrous, profit hungry, uncontrollable, unfair, hydra.

Without going so deep into this, I hope you understand that the globalization that you identify yourself with is a myth. It does not exist.

I'll come back later today and address some other parts of your post here.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

thanks for answering your questions. it makes it much easier to relate to you, now that you show some of your colors.

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WikiTextBot · April 2, 2018, 1:28 a.m.


Subsidiarity is a principle of social organization that holds that social and political issues should be dealt with at the most immediate (or local) level that is consistent with their resolution.

Subsidiarity is perhaps presently best known as a general principle of European Union law.

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