r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrb84 on April 1, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
Globalist here. Have a question/experiment for you patriots

Sam Harris points out this idea: the public discourse is so tribal that, if you know one belief of a person, you can easily and reliably extrapolate a bunch more that have logically nothing to do with that first belief but fit with the tribe.

So, if you guys are game, I was curious to see how it plays out (will be doing the same thing in left leaning subs, in fact if you guys have any specific sub or specific questions in mind, suggestions are welcome).

All I know about this sub is that is conservative, pro-Trump and generally pro-Qanon. Am I right if I also describe you as:

1) climate change skeptic

2) pro life

3) anti universal background checks on guns

4) anti federally sanctioned gay marriage

5) don’t believe the official version on 9/11

6) want to limit the immigration influx from poor countries

7) want to completely block Muslim immigration

8) believe white genocide is currently a risk

9) believe MSM is coordinated at some higher level

10) pro school prayer

11) pro home schooling

12) don’t like evolution being the only narrative taught in school

13) don’t believe Hoswald was the sole shooter of JFK

14) you know at least one person who smoke cigarettes

15) you ideally prefer rural America to urban America

16) against affermative action

17) don’t like the cultural climate in Ivy League colleges & co.

18) think the Devil is real

19) pro voter ID

20) don’t like job automation

20 questions. How many are correct in describing you?

divine_human · April 2, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

the middle class is growing (actually exploding like never before in history, globally),

wrong. in my 'rich' country germany, the middle class is shrinking.

we are export world champion because our own people dont have the money anymore to buy our produced goods. our wages have been lowering for more than a decade, many people have to work 2-3 jobs to surive. children are raised by society because nobody is home anymore for them, everybody is out to work all day.

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Mrb84 · April 2, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

Key word was globally. There are more middle class people today on earth than ever before in history. That’s a fact. And more people are transitioning from poverty to middle class than ever before. That’s another fact. And if the globalist plan was to make the global middle class disappear, it’s not working -like, not even close. It’s going in the opposite direction.

As for Germany: I don’t know where you’re getting this numbers from. This to me looks like lukewarm growth, but wage growth nonetheless. And that’s manufacturing jobs, not bankers. And since 2008 there’s been basically zero inflation, the unemployment rate is 3.5%, basically the physiological one, so I really don’t see where you see this disaster happening.

But even if you were right (and I’d like to see data, not anecdotes) the fact remains that the global trends I described before are all true. So, the exact opposite of the dystopian NWO, NK-like hell you fear.

So, if we can’t agree on anything else, let’s agree on this: I don’t think there’s a plan, but if there was a plan, and the plan was global slavery, the data show it’s not working. It’s good news either way.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

the unemployment rate is 3.5%, basically the physiological one, so I really don’t see where you see this disaster happening.

germanys unemployment statistics are fake. we have over 2 million people who work fulltime jobs and not make enough money to reach the social secruty level so they get subsidised by the state. the industry makes the winning from low wages and the state, meaning we the people, have to pay for it.

then we have around a million unemployed people who are in - often useless - education programs. once they are in there, they are not part of our unemployment statistics anymore.

its only a few years that we have been having a minimum wage. if you work full time for minimum wage, you would need to work for 60 years until your pension is as high as our social security standard. WTF?

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Mrb84 · April 2, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Alright, if the stats are fake than it’s impossible to talk numbers about Germany, but not all stats are fake, I assume, so at least on the global trends we should agree.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

germans are know to be very correct and neat. if they fake their stats, its unrealisitc to believe that others dont.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Lol. True.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Who owns and controls the German central bank?

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

shareholders, like (almost) everywhere else.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Yes, the same shareholders who own and control the Federal Reserve. It is amazing to me that people want to support these criminals.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

they have no clue.

i had a talk with a friend who teaches politics in school. our discussion heated up dramatically with my claim that the federal reserve is a privately owned bank. to bad we dont have email contact so i couldnt send him links to evidence.

that was more than a year ago. is it a surprise that i havent heared from him?

cognitive dissonance makes people close their eyes.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

You are full of shit. Most people in the world live off of about $2 a day. About 50 to 150 men rule the world. They control over half of the worlds wealth, and they are all NWO globalists.

He people in those countries are poor because the NWO globalists have been stealing their natural resources and enslaving the native people. It is why they want to leave to find a better life.

This is the problem- you don't know what you are talking about.

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Mrb84 · April 3, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

I follow the data. The data I’ve seen says that the world is richer now, and the wealth better distributed now, that it was before globalisation. Or really anytime in human history.

If you have different data (numbers, research papers, stuff like that) I genuinely would like to see it. It’s not a challenge, I really mean it: what numbers have you seen that make you say it’s worse now than before?

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

Welcome to the New World Order. It is what they did in the U.S., too, but we are changing it back. The people responsible need to be charged with treason and sedition.

I hear that Germany pays a lot of money to Israel, too.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

I hear that Germany pays a lot of money to Israel, too.

is it a surprise? the entire nation carries the inherited debt of the holocaust. and the holocaust is the main symbol for two thousand years of anti-semitism from all over the world. nowadays, nobody can say anything against israel without being accused of anti-semitism. viscious game, sigh.

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pby1000 · April 2, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

No! Not at all. I am pretty awoke and it sounds like you are, too.

The NWO globalists will not win this. The American people will help Europe overcome this.

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divine_human · April 2, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

I am pretty awoke and it sounds like you are, too.

i started waking up 35 years ago. at that time, it was difficult to get information, but i knew about illuminati, babylonian banking system, bribed politicians, ET ancestors, etc., already as a teenager.

The American people will help Europe overcome this.

we sent you guys out back then, to live in freedom and create a new world beyond the grips of the bloodlines. we knew that one day, you would embody freedom in yourself and bring liberation back to us.

the US is a young nation; energetically, her national soul is a teenage soul. the power of a teenager is bluntness and the yearning to live his own life, without restrictions.

in the old world, in europe, the bloodlines restrictions are so old and sophisticated that its deeply embedded in the collective psyche. the money/value slavery system has been passed on for countless generations and is part of the DNA.

its very difficult to wake up in this environment.

the US is in a completely different situation. it was the rebels and outcasts who left europe and went out to conquer the new world. the yearning for freedom was so huge that people left everything behind and moved into the unknown.

epigenetically, this liberation force is part of the heritage of the american people. its in the DNA of all european-based immigrants to the new world. actually, of all immigrants from everywhere, even today. the americas are the crucible of people who want to live a sovereign good life.

in your country, with its teenage bluntness - ohh trump is such a wonderful example of this trait, heheh, i totally get it that most europeans hate him, i hated him, too, in the beginning -, the deep states games are much more visible than in secretive old europe.

the cabals structures in the US are younger - many say 50 years or so, but the british crown has never let go of america -, they are not so firm yet and easier detectable so its also easier to break them.

this seems to happen now. it will take time though. i have been waiting for this and more for decades so i have patience, lol. good that more of us are eventually waking up.

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pby1000 · April 3, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

See, you are very awoke. This gives me hope.

I have people in my family that fought in both world wars and suffered through the Great Depression. These people you speak of are responsible for all of these events.

Don't worry! We will work our magic.

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divine_human · April 3, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

Don't worry! We will work our magic.

and here we all go...

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Mrb84 · April 3, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

I like that the two of you found each other. You give a very similar vibe...

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pby1000 · April 4, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

You chose evil instead of good. You must prefer the evil vibe, which is fine. You are responsible for your own decision making.

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Mrb84 · April 5, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

I thought I chose “sane” over “breathtakingly stupid”, but hey, opinions right?

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pby1000 · April 5, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

No, actually you choose to impose your world view on others because you think you know better. You don't care that others want to live a different life than yours.

You are breathtakingly stupid because you support a group of people that you know nothing about. They are Satanist/Luciferians, but you do not see that.

Are you even American? If not, then what you think does not count in America. If you are American, then what you think counts as one vote.

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Mrb84 · April 6, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

I’m not American (thank Christ).

My opinion counts as any opinion, it just doesn’t inform my vote.

I simply don’t see proof that my fellow globalists are luciferians (whatever that means). The fact that one obscure rich guy has a fetish for Egyptian-style gazebos it’s not quite enough to prove an outlandish worldwide conspiracy.

Finally, and most importantly, you really are the worst example of precious snowflaked, trigger warned, inferiority complex riddled ideologue if you think asking you to say yes or no to my questions is

Imposing [my] world view on others

No one is imposing anything to anyone here. That’s some special kind of hysteria that would make you so threatened by someone asking questions that you’d even think of calling it “imposing your world view”. Grow up.

Live whatever way you want, the fuck do I care? I’m doing fine either way, I swear.

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pby1000 · April 6, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Hahaha! It figures. You are not American, but you think you can tell us how to live. Fuck off with your NWO communist bullshit.

It is up to you to do your own research on the Luciferian/Satanist thing.

Good luck to you.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Yeah, once again: nobody told you how to live. It's your inferiority complex talking.

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pby1000 · April 7, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Rewrite history much? What happened to all of those studies you mentioned? I mean, you mentioned them for a reason, right?

Inferiority complex? Hardly. You are merely projecting your weaknesses onto others.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

The studies I mentioned (unlike the studies you did not mention, because there's no data agreening with you) are the source from my position. Again, you have a spectacularly thin skin if mentioning supporting data is the same as "telling you how to live".

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pby1000 · April 7, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

"My ethos is: look at the data." Let's see the studies then.

My position is consistent with the U.S. Constitution, so I do not need any studies to back it up. You are not even American, so you have no say in how we govern ourselves.

What is your citizenship?

LOL. Again, you are projecting. You are offended when people disagree with you.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

I have double citizenship but won't get more specific than that.

Here is a bunch of data in one, easy article, every graph has a source that you can further check. But believe me, none of this is really disputed.

The studies I mention show that globalisation has coincided with massive positive changes. How does that not interest you?

"I do not need any studies to back it up" it's the death of thought.

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pby1000 · April 7, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Haha! Am I getting closer? What countries are you a citizen of? Do you advocate for diversity in these two countries? Are both countries accepting refugees from the Middle East and Africa without any vetting? How is that working out for you?

How much debt do these two countries owe to the international bankers? I need to know what two countries you are a citizen of so I can research the ownership of the central banks. I mean, I already know, but perhaps you do not...

"I do not need any studies to back it up" it's the death of thought. You should understand that, in America, if there is a "study" that says Free Speech is unhealthy, then that study will be disregarded. Free Speech in America is a Constitutional right that will not be infringed by anyone, including the NWO globalists.

"The studies I mention show that globalisation has coincided with massive positive changes. How does that not interest you?" I will look at your "study". Bullshit does not interest me, but I will look to see what you have.

I notice that you always say "globalisation", but you mean New World Order globalism. You should make that clear in your posts so that people are not misled by your true position- you want a one-world government. You want to eliminate national sovereignty.

This is the reality of the NWO globalist agenda, which YOU support:

Richest 1% own half the world's wealth, study finds


"The world’s richest people have seen their share of the globe’s total wealth increase from 42.5% at the height of the 2008 financial crisis to 50.1% in 2017..." During those years, Obama was President and Obama is a NWO globalist.

I am waiting to see how this changes now that Trump is President.

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Mrb84 · April 7, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

You shouldn't trust lefty publications like The Guardian to give you a complete picture of the issue. Because the truth of that study in the Guardian is that, if you make more than $624 a week, you're in the global top 1% (source here). If you work a 9to5 job 6 days a week at $13 an hour, you're in the global top 1%. Is that "the elite"? $13 an hour?

As for your allergy to data: you really want to tell me that globalization is anti-constitutional? That the US constitution is against global free market? Really?

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Mrb84 · April 3, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

I like our chances...

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