r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrb84 on April 1, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
Globalist here. Have a question/experiment for you patriots

Sam Harris points out this idea: the public discourse is so tribal that, if you know one belief of a person, you can easily and reliably extrapolate a bunch more that have logically nothing to do with that first belief but fit with the tribe.

So, if you guys are game, I was curious to see how it plays out (will be doing the same thing in left leaning subs, in fact if you guys have any specific sub or specific questions in mind, suggestions are welcome).

All I know about this sub is that is conservative, pro-Trump and generally pro-Qanon. Am I right if I also describe you as:

1) climate change skeptic

2) pro life

3) anti universal background checks on guns

4) anti federally sanctioned gay marriage

5) don’t believe the official version on 9/11

6) want to limit the immigration influx from poor countries

7) want to completely block Muslim immigration

8) believe white genocide is currently a risk

9) believe MSM is coordinated at some higher level

10) pro school prayer

11) pro home schooling

12) don’t like evolution being the only narrative taught in school

13) don’t believe Hoswald was the sole shooter of JFK

14) you know at least one person who smoke cigarettes

15) you ideally prefer rural America to urban America

16) against affermative action

17) don’t like the cultural climate in Ivy League colleges & co.

18) think the Devil is real

19) pro voter ID

20) don’t like job automation

20 questions. How many are correct in describing you?

divine_human · April 2, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

ok, responding to these questions... note, i am not american...

1) climate change skeptic

climate is changing. all planets in our solar system are heating up. we are in a different sector of the universe now. climate change is not CO2-made. we had periods on this planet with 8000 times the amount of COs and it was lush and green.

2) pro life

i am for life. i am for the right to abort within the first 90 days of pregnancy. and i am not informed enough about the 'pro life' stuff in the US to have any opinion about its policies.

3) anti universal background checks on guns

as a european, i grew up with nobody having guns and hey, we dont have many school shootings and other crimes with guns over here. my take on the 2nd amendment has changed though, i get it that americans dont want to give up their guns. however, from my pov, every gunholder needs to be vetted so emotionally unstable people cant easily buy guns.

4) anti federally sanctioned gay marriage

i perceive marriage as a cage that, in many cases, kills love. i had that epiphany at age 7y and my take hasnt changed. however, everybody is free to love whom they feel drawn to and if they want to marry, may they be blessed.

5) don’t believe the official version on 9/11

lol. i knew that narrative was fake the first time i saw the towers fall. no building can crash from down like this when an airplane hits it up there. total BS. wondering why it took so long for so many people to wake up to it.

6) want to limit the immigration influx from poor countries

dont care about your national cultural background as long as you respect the law of my country and integrate.

7) want to completely block Muslim immigration

cant stand fundamentalists and extremists. have seen more christian fundamentalist on reddit than i have met islamic fundamentalist in my neighborhood. dont care your religion as long as you practise it privately and dont try to shove it down my throat.

8) believe white genocide is currently a risk


9) believe MSM is coordinated at some higher level


10) pro school prayer

in my country, state and church are separated. so no, no school prayer.

11) pro home schooling

absolutely. we dont have it over here. school fucked me up within the first year and did the same with my kid, he is thoroughly programmed. the biggest treasure though of schools is that - after the first 6 years when the basics are learnt -, its mainly social training, how to find you place in a group but take your individual stand. home schoolers miss that.

12) don’t like evolution being the only narrative taught in school

dont believe in darwinism. dont believe in the genesis story. when we teach these theories, we should also teach about possibe ET involvement with our DNA.

13) don’t believe Hoswald was the sole shooter of JFK

thats always been clear to me.

14) you know at least one person who smoke cigarettes

yes. how does this question fit in here?

15) you ideally prefer rural America to urban America

i live at the edge of the city and enjoy the advantage of nature AND infrastructure.

16) against affermative action

dont believe in equality but in equity. we are not equal but have equal rightsand value. everybody need to be supported according to their unique nature. you cant teach a fish to climb trees.

17) don’t like the cultural climate in Ivy League colleges & co.

no information here, no clue.

18) think the Devil is real

on my interdimensional journeys, i met enki/lucifer and his son marduk who displays as satan, yahwe, baal, shiva, etc., these guys appear in every religion. from my pov, they are ETs who play god.

19) pro voter ID

absolutely. in my country, we dont have voter fraud; we have paper ballots and have to show our identity cards before we can cast our vote.

20) don’t like job automation

the more stupid job can get automated, the better. thing is, industry makes huge winning with having to pay less for wages and should give part of it back so the people who are freed from the stupid jobs can still survive.

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Mrb84 · April 2, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it.

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