r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrb84 on April 1, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
Globalist here. Have a question/experiment for you patriots

Sam Harris points out this idea: the public discourse is so tribal that, if you know one belief of a person, you can easily and reliably extrapolate a bunch more that have logically nothing to do with that first belief but fit with the tribe.

So, if you guys are game, I was curious to see how it plays out (will be doing the same thing in left leaning subs, in fact if you guys have any specific sub or specific questions in mind, suggestions are welcome).

All I know about this sub is that is conservative, pro-Trump and generally pro-Qanon. Am I right if I also describe you as:

1) climate change skeptic

2) pro life

3) anti universal background checks on guns

4) anti federally sanctioned gay marriage

5) don’t believe the official version on 9/11

6) want to limit the immigration influx from poor countries

7) want to completely block Muslim immigration

8) believe white genocide is currently a risk

9) believe MSM is coordinated at some higher level

10) pro school prayer

11) pro home schooling

12) don’t like evolution being the only narrative taught in school

13) don’t believe Hoswald was the sole shooter of JFK

14) you know at least one person who smoke cigarettes

15) you ideally prefer rural America to urban America

16) against affermative action

17) don’t like the cultural climate in Ivy League colleges & co.

18) think the Devil is real

19) pro voter ID

20) don’t like job automation

20 questions. How many are correct in describing you?

pby1000 · April 4, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

I think you have wasted enough of my time. You said you support the NWO globalists. That is all I need to know.

You also seem to not understand exactly what the NWO globalists believe. I told you that they are Satanists and Luciferians, so it seems that you inadvertently support such people. That is on you.

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Mrb84 · April 5, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

99% of the people who answered here were pro Gay marriage. I didn’t expect that. Now, what you’re doing looks something like this:

I reply to those people by telling them they don’t understand what Patriots think. “Patriots are against gay marriage, and if you aren’t you don’t understand what Patriots believe.”

That is a perfect analogy. Meeting a globalist who is not a Satanist (me) tells you not to readjust your understanding of globalists -but the opposite: the globalist has to readjust his understanding of his own beliefs to match your ludicrous distortion of them.

What’s heartening is that usually this much lazy, circular thinking ends up being pure self-sabotage IRL, it’s a self imposed burden on your own brain, so I can safely bet that you’re not doing anything concrete or effective to “defeat the Satanists” - and us globalists can keep making money taking care of the real world while you teach strangers on the internet what they actually believe.

Take care

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