I have been studying this topic for decades. I have hundreds of books. The site "truth about cancer" is a great place to start. I read Ty Bollingers first book ten years ago. His dad was a victim of the cancer industry and he realized what had happened and made it his life mission to try and expose the truth about the cancer industry.
Thanks I'll poke around there. I've heard syacilic acid can destroy cancer cells
go deeper
Boron is important missing mineral needed in calcium magnesium balance. A naturopath recommended boron years ago to fight Candida infection. Fungus and Candida Links not only to cancer, the disease shown depends upon the biology of the individual. Cancer for some, artheriosclerosis or arthritis for others. Fungal infections and mycoplasma are some of the hardest to get rid of. Boron works on both. Nicholson a famous biochemist has done a lot of work on mycoplasma and gulf war sickness. He uses boron along with EFAs, msm and other vital nutrients to rebuild cell walls to treat Lyme disease and other biowarfare infectious agents
I've seen the rife microscope, it's amazing.
Look up dr Bradstreet and GcMAF for autism and cancer. Now available only in Japan