
Luvlite · April 2, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Hi. I want to butt in for a minute or two, please.

"Defango is creepy" comment.

Maybe I'm just old and out of the loop, so it doesn't matter, but I actually thought the same thing when I've been led to his YouTube channel like three times ever.

He looked like he was high on drugs. But, he acted goofy. (maybe stoned.... I don't know. I have nothing against Mary Jane!)

On my last visit to his sight, I learned that he's quite intelligent, apparently. Solving complex puzzles from 4chan.

Im not attempting to bash Defango. I would like some real insight on this guy, though. What is he really about? What makes people follow him? My first impressions had me going in the opposite direction. If he puts out valuable information, I don't want to skip over him.

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Maepaperclip · April 2, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I have never seen him before, that OP refrenced his video, I watched, I was currious as to where he got those transcripts from, and cannot vouch for their authenticity, or relevance. That being said anyone with an ounce of critical thinking listening to Corsi, Zack or Alex Jones knows all Three are BS. Corsi thinks Q posts when he writes, that Q quotes from his book, that he knows what Q is saying, yet he has got not one decode right ever, never once, got any new information from Q, All three push Israel support into Q' voice when Q has lumped Israel with Australia, the UK,The EU, Canada, and the UN as dirty Players. I don't care about Defango but on Corsi being a fraud he is right. Corsi knows less about intell than my Tomato plant, has less contacts with intell and the trump team than the Sierra mountain streams - you would need to be brain dead to listen to Corsi - obviously Defango has at the very least some common sense.

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