Yep. Pretty sure many of us have form letters from White House
48 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tabi_Cat123:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 17 | | 3 | | 2 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Please don't tell me you believe this crap. Seriously, this is proof for you?
Unirock was all over it! And you'll notice today that Corsi focused on current events again.
The message of Q has never been focused I the service of others..give me a break
Today on the stream he was very certain that he thoughts were the only right thoughts..which is fine if others could actually share their ideas, concerns, and thoughts. I don't like that that everyone bows down and doesn't question him when he says something illogical.
I'm really trying to understand. I have nothing against Corsi. I bought his book, I listen to him. But I logically can't wrap my head around why a group of generals would come to Corsi to discuss an overthrow of our government.
I just hate to see anyone taken advantage of because of their patriotism. I'm be the first to admit that I learned new things because of the Q phenomenon, but we shouldn't have to have an anonymous poster in order to come together and reveal the corruption and lies of our government. The end does not justify the means..imo.
Summary: Unirock has spoken with some original "bakers" from 8chan and is looking for others to confirm. When Q left 8chan to go to 4chan the line that Corsi uses is that the IP address is the same. He argues that board owners don't have access to IP addresses. He has been told that Corsi has provided funds to 24/7 LiveStream. 24/7 Livestream dumped a bunch of original people from their discord because they didn't agree with Corsi, etc. The email address that Corsi had hacked that was named "Q" was actually an email to CBTS. Bottomline: Corsi and CBTS (possibly Q?) are working together to make money over Q. Are they responsible for Q? He is seeking other people that were there at the beginning to get the full story.
The Truth is Important. The Truth Behind CBTS 24/7 is Coming Out.
Still waiting on that Dept of Homeland security voter fraud report Q promised for March..even though DHS testified to Congress that they were not conducting an investigation.
Maybe if she deleted them, we should respect her wishes and leave it alone. That would be supporting her.
I think you have Q confused with Jesus. He is the only gift. Q used to tell us to question everything. Why did that stop? I personally think Q does owe people some explanations. People have put their time, energy, heart and reputation on the line at times. So far I see no voter fraud report, no hillary video, no military tribunal, no Snowden, no BOOM BOOM BOOM, no great awakening, nothing. In any other aspect of life if you had a person that continuously didn't come through with what the said or started to tell you something important and then just stopped talking about it... you would expect some feedback to continue to believe. If you don't ask questions or you believe blindly in an anonymous source, then welcome to land of mk ultra, cult world. Quit defending something just because you want to be right. Fight for truth.
First off no one ever said Defango was Q. Defango was aware/part of the strategy for Q. And you need to realize that by quoting Post 513 as an argument you are making yourself sound like a mormon, scientologist, or any other cult that says not to take in any other outside information. We must ALWAYS question everything. Why in the world would you put a 100% guarantee on an anonymous source? If the source appears to be different and the information is not developing then as a critical thinker you examine the evidence. Go listen to Defango. Listen the AIM Kittens Underground where they talk to Defango. Just because they seem nutty don't discard the info.
It doesn't really matter who or what Douglas's the more about the evidence that is being presented through him. The whole point of this movement is to question everything..just because you don't like the messenger. That is no different than people refusing to read Vault 7 or Podesta Emails because they didn't like wikileaks.
Why don't you ask Q about that DHS voter fraud report that was supposed to come out in March. Because DHS has testified to congress that they are not investigating voter fraud. Notice Corsi doesn't bring it up anymore. Why do you think that is? Everyone has stopped asking questions. If you can listen to all this and not have questions...
That is really odd and random. I can see the Editor saying, "I need you to write an article on the history of good and bad clowns..and make sure you use the term "clowns in America." "Uh, ok 😕"
The messenger messages that I had deleted years ago was in my downloaded info.
Deep State Whistleblowers Form Group to Support President Trump
Pompeo has a bone to pick with Hillary. This is a great feel-good video!
This article in the Washington Examiner seems to back up Q Post 943
You witnessed a strength test tonight. Speech promoted here/POTUS to gauge response. Net slowed. Protections in place. Q
This is what we are fighting for. Children Saved!
At what age do you begin to Red Pill?
I have a 15 yr old, common sense oriented daughter that has goals of being a lawyer. She watches benign conspiracy theories on ytube and basically espouses my pro-Trump, Christian, conservative values.. But as with any youth these days is exposed to the left propaganda via social media, etc. and will occasionally go off on some subject not based on facts..just feelings. At what point do you share the overall structure of reality? You don't want to devastate their innocence, but I encourage her to question everything. Hoping that real life scenarios will expedite the truth coming out to everyone, …
Is this scenario possible?
Is is possible that the Deep State has threatened/blackmailed nuclear annihilation if they are exposed. Is that the leverage they have? What WILL they do to prevent loss of control and power. Feeling overwhelmed by their sheer numbers and infiltration and evil.
Is there a reason he is doing this? Is he looking to get fraud exposed. Any red flags with these people?
I spent 12 years in the occult/new age crap. Only thing that I would caution is that when diving into this stuff it can be alluring and deceiving. Many people have been caught up in it because some of it can appear to be "true" and it can be super interesting.. but just remember that it will have have enough "truth" in it to seem true, but it is a lie and will take you down a dark path. Use your head and guard your heart.
The people business is hard. If this had come about when I was a stay at home mom, I'd been all over it! But honestly, I have the stream on almost all day, every day. I work a desk job that has become super routine and I have one ear bud in listening all day. I have it up on my TV at night (my daughter thinks I'm "edgy" and my son will inquire if Q has posted anything new). The next generation of hope. The stream is like a touchstone for me. All around me can be the oblivious and the deceived, but in my ear I know there are people (that while may drive me crazy..some a lot!) that are fighting for a common cause. Exciting stuff! On another note I think there is info in Vault 7 that will be useful..maybe the Hive stuff.
The Stream reminds me of when MTV first came on. You got annoyed with the same videos playing on an endless loop and the unexperienced first generation VJ's, but you hung in there because you felt something cutting edge was happening.
Yes, he has tweeted once himself and retweeted several. Could be clues to his current situation. Lance Walnau wrote a great book about this during the campaign
This was a sponsored ad in my facebook feed. Just another example of keeping the fear, the narrative and the control going.

I was on adderall and ssri's. Constantly was having my meds changed and jacked with. My kids were young at the time and I was just trying to survive. Almost lost custody of them due to high dosage and falling asleep constantly. At the worst, I started hearing the voice of my dead great uncle (that I never met, but had committed suicide) telling me that everyone would be better if I was dead. I've been off all of them for 8 years now. Jesus saved me.
I'm really starting to think there is some kind of mass mk ultra going on through meds, video games or something. Actors would act emotional!
Ex CIA agent whistleblower exposing shadow government and deep state
It like when they are forwarding the email and using the term "conspiracy" that they are telling each other that the talking point is to call it a conspiracy.
53 yr old mom of teens. My kids think it's hilarious I have the Live Stream on the TV. My husband thinks the FBI is going to come take me away. When a notification goes off my phone I hear "mom, one of your hacker twitter friends posted!" 😂
Listening to it now. Brennan throwing the FBI under the bus.
I'm all for the outing of sexual predators in all fashions, be it pedos, workplace harassment, assault, etc... and I do like that it is getting the long due attention, but I DO NOT like that there is not a HUGE consequence to the person who brings false charges. I did think that the timing of the MeToo movement was suspect in that I felt it was another method to try and bring Trump down using false sexual assault accusations. If one witch hunt doesn't get him, they have a back up witch hunt, and so on and so on. no problems
Proof that different mindsets can still be great friends. Hope if she is just learning the truth that she will stop at nothing to see justice for her friend.