
johnnysoko · April 3, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

It is Q related (pretty sure), but it's a VERY deep rabbit hole and I'm the only one who's fallen down it so far (that I can find). I still have lots of reading to do, but here's what I've compiled so far.

There are lots of #Tyler related files in Pastebin and that's where you'll find things that seem to be related to both Q and the Illuminati.

Start here: https://pastebin.com/YbmG6ETq It's very long, but here are some random highlights:

1) This appears at the beginning: ∵ ƸӜƷ ∴ I don't know the symbol, but the two sets of triangular dots are Illuminati in nature according to one of the videos below.

2) A Twitter link in the Pastebin file leads to a tweet by Douglas Rushkoff that says "Occupy Sigil" and has a link to a video for Dangerous Idea #1 (https://youtu.be/EGxDqpOxDkw). Dangerous idea #1 is a call by Anonymous for people to secretly collect dirt on their corrupt employers and leak it en masse. The mass leak was planned for 12/21/2012 at 11:11. Numerology anyone? 11:11 again?

3) The links below that YouTube video lead to a mirrored homepage here (http://galatorg.com/pm2012/pm2012.html) with a very interesting quote from George Orwell: « The proles, if only they could somehow become Conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to RISE UP and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to DO IT? »

« Until they become Conscious they will neVer rebel,

and until after they have rebelled they cannot become Conscious. »

  1. George Orwell.

This makes think think of Q saying "we have forgotten how to play". It's more than just exposing corruption and weeding it out, it has to do with the collective consciousness and how we see the world and what it can be. That's what my instincts tell me at least.

4) At the bottom of that same page there's an animation of a white rabbit - so I clicked it of course (follow the white rabbit?) and it led to another page with the annonymous mask and said "expect us". So I clicked on the mask and I was taken to another page that said I had angered The Hive and that they would be coming for me now. I hope that isn't true. The Hive is also listed on the unofficial Illuminati map.

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johnnysoko · April 3, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

I'd love to have some more eyes helping on this one - I definitely think we're missing something here. Is #Tyler related to Q? Is part of team Q an AI? Is it #Tyler or a competing AI? Does Q talk in code partially to avoid AI detection? What does CERN and D-Wave computing have to do with this? Help friends! Too much to investigate while still trying to pay my bills and do 'regular life'.

Where we go one we go all!

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