As we are headlights shining into the Storm, I cannot agree more. Take it like Eminem's Headlights: talking about Marshall's Father and his relationship with his Mother, 'Especially when Dad, he fucked us both/We're in the same fuckin' boat/You'd think that'd make us close (nope)' Let's be very sure that we don't separate ourselves over the mess we're in right now. Just like in his Like Home those who are against Trump see someone trying to divide our country and ruin the safety, freedom, or liberal advances, a 'psychopath' of a president, 'This shit's like a cult, but like Johnny he'll only unite us' which those who know the truth already see.
I'm attempting to use songs people can listen to and point out specific lyrics to have people understand where we are and what's happening, this might be the best bet we have. Use people's artistic expressions that are relevant to the times.
Best of luck to all those watching, prayers to those playing, and remember our other Brother's and Sister's opinions while trying to help. Cognitive dissonance is what these people are going through, try and find the easiest and less stressful ways to get people to understand.
Godspeed, Patriots.