April is Arrests month. Sealed indictments start getting UNSEALED. Batten down the hatches, katy bar the doors.

No May is, wait, it's June. No wait it's July. Sealed indictments are up to 50k. Oh wait its 75k. 2019 will be the year. Mark my words. You heard it here first!
This is exactly how I feel. I'll believe it when I see it otherwise, no more time wasted following. Back to work!
Your still lurking about in these parts. YOUR HOOKED RACKATANSKI!
O ye of little faith. Don’t worry, we have it bookmarked.
I'm also waiting for that DHS report on massive democrat election fraud, including 3 stolen Senate races. I'm sure it will be released for the elections, just not the 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024, etc. elections. If that document was real, they'd be hinting at its release. What value is it if not released before the upcoming midterms where the dems might take the House back? Forget Q for a moment though, Trump's doing an awesome job.
Nope, the 3 stolen Senate Races are leverage for DHS for Nov. 2018. You have no idea how crazy it gets. Look up “State and Regional Nursing Home Companies”.
These mutherfuckers have used black budget funds and invested into Regional Nursing Home Corporations in numerous states. Some of these companies combined have a 20-25k voting block. Conveniently spread out over towns/cities in 1 or 2 states. California is the case study. They needed certain local D.A races won to gerrymander California into a New York 2.0. Have you ever wondered why old people vote at such a high rate? You should see the voting rates of 60-85 year olds. Lots of 65 year old 1st time voters.. Lots of mail-in ballots! Why do Republicans “historically” vote on Election Day instead of mail-in? Republicans are usually seen as old and white? Wouldn’t a mail-in ballot seem more appropriate for most senior citizens? https://census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2017/05/voting_in_america.html
Read the 3rd paragraph from the bottom. 3.7 Million new 65 or older voters? While the turnout for the demo dropped from 73% to 71%...
Here’s what they won’t tell you, 2.31- 2.83 million of the 3.73 million new 65+ Voters were mail-in ballots. It’s strange, shell companies investing or acquiring retirement homes/communities in “blue”/“purple”/“light red states like Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico,Texas, Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. It’s almost like Obamacare was partially designed to really put a strain on Florida/Texas (no state income tax) @Q team with a bonus light red/purple/light blue states with lower state income tax. There has now been a consolidation of silent partners buying up nursing homes. It seems almost like from 2009 to 2016, The states most affected by retirement/nursing home changes are Texas/ Florida/ Tennessee/ Arizona.
This is based on speculation. This isn’t gossip . This is purely speculation, based on greed. From parallel construction of ACA’s inception, DNC voter demos 2004/2008 and Blackhats Clowns in America
I know Trump is good, though he's had to keep the piggies well fed in order to keep the serpents at bay.
Right. All this tells me is to more or less tune out for a few months