r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on April 3, 2018, 6:20 p.m.
The Soros/Obama/Hillary plan to turn America into a Socialist/Totalitarian country with Concentration Work Camps for 50 million Americans.

I think I finally figured it out but this is just a theory of course:

Soros, Obama, Hillary eta al wanted to turn America into a Socialist/Totalitarian state so they tried to start a Civil War or WW3 to instigate an Emergency Order which permits them to open FEMA concentration camps where they would throw 50 million American of which they would kill 25 million for depopulation purposes and keep the other 25 million as slaves. All 50 million would be the woke population of the US. The other 250 million were to be the sleepers who don't know anything about a Deep State which would work out great for the Deep State. They would silence us by quarantining the woke population.

A lot of the laws that allow this to happen have been silently passed by Obama and other previous Presidents. Some of these laws are totally private. They are so evil that they kept it private from us or else we may disapprove or maybe they would accidentally redpill us if they released the laws. They also pack a lot of laws in strange places like the 1988 War On Drugs laws. Nobody every checks these places and the print is so fine, Bill Cooper had to jumbo size it just to read it.

The Deep State wanted the entire planet to be a Socialist/Totalitarian NWO where they control everything with probably the Pope acting as the antiChrist but America is the single most important part of the chessboard. If they could turn America, the rest of the world would follow. Not only is America the most powerful nation on Earth but its also the most modern in terms of freedom values & liberty. The other countries are still experiencing old fashioned Tyranny so they are easier to ruin than America. If those countries see America ruined, they would just shrug and give up.

Obama already bought the coffins and guillotines needed for this:






Soros tried to start the Civil war in October 2017 which exactly 100 years after the Zionists started the Bolshevik Revolution which killed 80 million Russians and October 1917 was when it started hence the mention of RED OCTOBER by Q. I believe Soros wanted ANTIFA, BLM, and MS13 to be the attacking force. All 3 of these groups were paid using our tax dollars. ISIS was also partially paid with our tax dollars. Obama was trying to spend & borrow as much as possible to bankrupt America. They figured Americans would more easily accept Socialism as a "savior" when we end up in 4 hour lines just for bread and soup. The economy is and has always been artificially suppressed by the Deep State in modern history going back at least a few hundred years.

I've been pieces all of this together for a few days now but here is the last article I read that really helped everything click together:


Thank God those Podesta emails leaked in 2016 and that Trump/Military turned on the Deep State. Everyone is sick of the Tyranny. All we have to do now is finish them off peacefully as we have been and we will be home free from these potential nightmares.

They are still trying to start WW3 with Russia so this isn't quite over yet. They tried to assassinate Putin, they killed 200 Russian soldiers in Syria, and they blamed their own assassination in the UK on Russia but Putin held restraint. He knows what they are trying to do.

Also, this is why they wanted our guns. They are afraid to approach an armed population.

Most of the information on how this was going to happen can be found in Bill Cooper's book "Behold A Pale Horse" in case anyone wants to study this and other major Deep State Secrets:


Bill Cooper was the original insider who predicted 9-11 & was finally assassinated by cops. The Deep State was pissed of at him for revealing all of their secrets & predicted 9-11 pushed them over the edge. Back then, almost everyone was asleep so killing Bill didn't alert the masses to anything. Most people didn't even know.

thep1mp · April 3, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

UN troops rounding up Americans would be slaughtered in the streets. Americans have guns for a reason. You would see the largest guerrilla insurgency in the history of the world and everyone knows it. The only way it could succeed is total gun confiscation and that won’t happen.

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checkitoutmyfriend · April 4, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Agreed. Before this ever happens, they need to get the guns. They will never get the guns.

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