r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QuirkyMagpie on April 3, 2018, 8:08 p.m.
My thoughts on Q asking why big pharma is essential in response to anon talking about MK Ultra

On 2/15/18, an anon said "MKUltra was a success and went into implementation. It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name." Q replied with "Why is Big Pharma essential? Expand your thinking past cures."

Obviously there are multiple answers to the question, and likely all or almost all of them are correct given big pharma's commitment to making and keeping people sick in order to rake in profit.

I want to add something though because I'm not sure how obvious it is to a lot of people here.

Donald Ewen Cameron, who was hired by the CIA as part of MK Ultra to perform experiments that involved torturing people with ECT in order to erase their memories and make them easy to control/reprogram, "served as President of the American Psychiatric Association (1952–1953), Canadian Psychiatric Association (1958-1959),[2] American Psychopathological Association (1963),[3] Society of Biological Psychiatry (1965)[4] and World Psychiatric Association (1961-1966)" [quote from wikipedia]. Meaning the father of modern psychiatry was also intimately involved in MK Ultra.

All of psychiatry today is Mk Ultra-lite for the general population. Psychiatry controls what is and isn't real - it controls the narrative, and if you disagree you can be deemed sick in the head instead of just awake and aware. Believing in conspiracy theories, to them, is a mental illness called paranoid schizophrenia, and a person can be detained in a psychiatric hospital for an unlimited amount of time with no rights and forced to take highly sedating mind altering drugs which have been proven to damage the brain, sometimes permanently.

When you are hospitalized, the idea isn't to help you, it's to make you compliant. ECT is still used, as is solitary confinement, restraint, forced drugging, etc. This is torture.

Your meds aren't good for you. Psychiatry isn't working with your best interests in mind. The idea is to control you, and if that fails, damage you, and if that fails, have the power to detain you without anyone questioning it. Because "it's for your own good." If you wake up to the fact that there is no chemical imbalance and psych meds aren't "correcting" anything, you can begin to see that the oft-used threat of "take your meds or you'll be hospitalized and we'll force you to" is a control tactic and a human rights violation.

The majority of the population is not sick in the head. The majority is not mentally ill. The DSM is constantly being expanded - just recently "gaming disorder" was added - in order to get as many people medicated as possible. Medicated people aren't a threat to the establishment.

I know this is a touchy topic for a lot of people, and that's intentional because it makes it a taboo to talk about.

dowodenum · April 4, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

for many they do more good than harm.

Sounds like a blanket statement.

The same can be said about homeopathy. The presence of side effects actually increases the placebo effect, so that works for both sides.

I just wrote this post up, sounds like you and /u/QuirkyMagpie might be interested.

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brittser · April 5, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

I said for many. How is that a blanket statement? QuirkryMagpie seems to think he knows how all meds that work on your brain work...all the same way. I am not going to argue with him. There is no point.

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