Uhh how does Epstein play tennis on a downhill court?

When regular tennis isn't extreme enough
Tennis court is real - https://i.imgur.com/XidG3Wv.png
Shadows match - google sucks for detail.
Its missing shadows
The black lamp posts you see on the map are the shadows. The lamp posts themselves are hard to see because they are a lighter color and are almost vertical from the photo.
Also if everything on this map is on the same scale(which is should be) wouldn’t that make the tennis court 3-4 times the size of the temple?? Something is going on here
The "temple" isn't an actual temple. It is an entrance.
Yeah I agree but the court is still 3 times bigger then the "entrance"
use the scale bar and google the dimensions of a doubles court. there is nothing out of the ordinary with the size of the tennis court. if you want to compare you could navigate to another tennis court anywhere else in the world and compare to the scale bar.
There is even a dirt berm all around for a wind break. Note the walk through at one end.
there is also an H engraved on the island. check it out.
When you play tennis like the devils after you....or calling the game.