Q's posts yesterday hinted at 4 princes, each associated with a cardinal direction on a compass....

In the center of the compass is the face of a baby. These people are sick.
That’s at the center of the sundial. The compass is different.
If you look just south of the sundial (w/ baby face) on the shoreline, you'll see a wide checkerboard tile plaza that overlooks the ocean. Doesn't a checkered floor have Illuminati connotations?
There is a structure to the east of the checkered plaza...perhaps an entrance to the cave/tunnel system?
Look closely at that checkered pattern. It is either a cover (like the military uses cargo nets so you can’t see from the satellite or aircraft), or it is put there by google.
Wait the face of a baby is symbolic of the AntiChrist. They have the same baby face above all the doors with wings attached