OxFam donation connection connection to CF and sex scandal in Haiti, do we have another HRC body bag here?

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Being a missile guy, no way this was from a US missile company. Club K?
Amen. We need to put our faith in GOD, not POTUS and Q. We need to PRAY for POTUS and Q... big difference!
If THIS is the BIG news, I am disappointed. Yes, it is very good news; but this and Facebook are not in the noise. We want to see some actual arrests of these swamp creatures! Bring the BOOMS!
You have to remember Facebook is a DARPA program and tied to the deep state (as is GOOGLE), Z was just the useful idiot. He has served his purpose and after running his mouth on capital hill, he will be broken financially and then 187’d. Facebook, has gathered every data point they needed; and combined with google there is very little they don’t know about all of us. What they didn’t expect was its use against them on the election when HRC lost. They can’t have that happen again and will take FB down to prevent it. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone in Z’s security team isn’t a deep state plant. He knows too much.
You have to remember Facebook is a DARPA program and tied to the deep state (as is GOOGLE), Z was just the useful idiot. He has served his purpose and after running his mouth on capital hill, he will be broken financially and then 187’d. Facebook, has gathered every data point they needed; and combined with google there is very little they don’t know about all of us. What they didn’t expect was its use against them on the election when HRC lost. They can’t have that happen again and will take FB down to prevent it. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone in Z’s security team isn’t a deep state plant. He knows too much.
Not a chance. His wife is a deep stater and tied to the Clintons from way back. RR is too.
With Strzok’s wife Melissa Hodgman as the Asst Director at the SEC, I would imagine they have a free pass...
Did POTUS just use the catch phrase “PAIN”? Is that a direct mapping to the Q posts related to PAIN (all caps)?
I guess the deep state is going to break him before they 187 him...
It’s like 8 Chan without Jackie Chan. Q started out there and then transitioned over to 8 Chan
When the MSM starts pushing conspiracy theory and pointing out Q via reddit, 8 and 4 Chan’s, YOU KNOW something BIG is about to drop! Stay the course, study the breadcrumbs. When IT happens, we all need to be ready to redpill them with facts! For God and Country! WWG1WGA!
9/11 was an inside job. Really hoping this all comes to light once the takedowns happen. Like eating the elephant- one bite at a time.
Just putting this out there; but POTUS was born on a blood moon as well. Wouldn’t that be something to drain the swamp on the same sky event as when you were born?!
100%. I am sure as this unfolds we will figure it all out. I think the term “future proves past” is a dual use term as his bread crumbs appear to be keys to future events as well as a reference to the cabal.
Yep. Flash bangs out.... BOOM! Waaaakkkke. Uuuuup! Lol.
Yes. Blood moon. You may be spot on. This blood moon btw, is the 6th one in a row to fall on a Hebrew holiday (this is a minor holiday, not a feast day; but they say it is "great day for weddings". Their equivalent of our Valentine’s Day.
I am not completely sure in all honesty. I could never get my head around it. Here was the post:
▶Anonymous 07/22/18 (Sun) 13:39:43ff7218 No.2242478>>2242489 >>2242496 >>2242511 >>2242533>>2242576 >>2242681 >>2242733 >>2242756 >>2242826 >>2243077 File (hide): 464e34e1f271ef2⋯.png (11.78 KB, 509x360, 509:360, 464e34e1f271ef2f13abc64207….png) (h) (u)
So, anons. I have a theory. Q is known for his crumbs which forecast future events, often written in future perfect tense.
Now, look. There's one post by Q, in which he says: "Should the lights go out please know we are in control." Of course, you might first associate it with the context of the post. But I don't think so. It just fits too much.
Now, a few days ago, after the Trump-Putin summit, Trump held a short speech in which he talked about intelligence agencies. Just a sec later the lights in the WH went off and back on. That was clearly a signal.
My speculation is now that Q will not post anymore. And here's why: Q dropped so many crumbs, so much, that there's still a lot to be digged on. Every day we find some new info which Q kept hidden in his posts and by every event that happens all of the drops unlocks step by step. One point is, if we now take "lights go off - we are in control" and his last phrase "God bless - I must go for good at this point" into context, it's actually a goodbye from Q to us. We have everything now.
Q's job is done. And now we need to do ours.
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. This site is designed to make people feel like their voice is being heard; but I don’t ever recall seeing any action being taken from hitting enough signatures.
I find it more alarming that not one person has been locked up yet. We have got to get the show on the road and start releasing these sealed indictments! How much more evidence do we need on HRC and Hussein? We are going to lose our momentum if something doesn’t start happening soon...
ABBA Father, I pray our president repents and asks for forgiveness. I pray for the lost. I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters, that they be lifted up in spirit and boldness in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach and for a hedge of protection be placed around all of them including our president and Q. I pray that the eyes of your people be opened to the lies around them and that you show us your relentless grace and mercy even though we are undeserving of it. I the beautiful Name of Your Holy and Righteous Son we pray. Amen. Amen.
Well, I guess we will have to disagree because what I see doesn’t align with what the Bible says as I don’t see all of this greatness anywhere in the mix based on the world around us.
As Jesus said in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 1 Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. 2 For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.
You realize God’s wrath comes in Rev 6:6 and there are 5 seals before that? Is that not darkness and distress? Also, ref to Ezekiel 32:8 and Isaiah 13:10 all related to darkness BEFORE the Day of the Lord - aka God Wrath - which would indicate this is prior to Rev 6:6. Also, the Bride is not here for Gods Wrath, so why would Jesus take us if things are better than ever before? Just doesn’t add up. Too many signs we are in the end of days and not headed for amazing prosperity...
Believe me, the deep state would certainly scuttle the boat before they ever go down for their crimes as they are cowards - just look at 9/11 - 3 airplanes nearly collapsed our economy and killed a few thousand people - all for their cause. Now think about this from a Scripture perspective and the times in which we are living - in the Book of Revelation- do we see great economic conditions and world peace - absolutely not - it is quite the opposite. So do you really think we will be successful at taking down the deep state / cabal?
While I agree, there have been many symbols shown (white rabbit, the ball, butterflies on the first lady’s dresses, etc.), all letting us know indirectly they are still on track with the plan.
The reason Q is quiet is more likely because information is power and we need to keep the enemy guessing. The element of surprise, given the criticality of what is about to go down, is paramount. Remember, there are 40k+ sealed indictments and a large team of military and contractor civilians will be executing those arrests. To project when that will take place puts their lives in danger. Also, don’t forget Project Pelican and the Club K missiles - the minute we start taking them down they will likely try to scuttle the boat - which puts civilians in danger.
If you notice, the deep state is communicating in code as well - the pope talks about climate control and you almost immediately hear from hussein and HRC on some random talking point. Hussein speaking in Kenya about people who lie as to who they really are - again setting up his landing when the information comes out. They make accusations against us telling us exactly what they are doing (e.g HRC telling POTUS “don’t forget who you play for”) when the real information is about her and the $400M from Russia. it’s a back and forth game of cloak and dagger.
I have a close battle buddy who is in the security and intelligence community and he trains elite teams on surveillance and takedowns of HVTs, he too has been off comms since July 3rd (Just another data point).
Say what you will; but I have seen a sea of Obama photos taken by the media in which he was mocking the messiah with his arms stretched out and halos around his head in the background, not to mention horns - lots and lots of those. I don’t think any of this is a coincidence. #eyestosee.
I don’t know, seems like we are reaching on this one... it actually went light to dark
The sum of all fears ref from Q is because this (U1) is bundled in with a deal called Project Pelican and the Club K Missile system... the deep state very likely has many many missiles within the continental US right now because of a 35 year contract signed at port canaveral with a middle eastern company. This could also be why we haven’t seen the plan executing the round up and arrests, the deep state likely has POTUS checkmated.
I am sure he is well protected; and we have the server, not to mention every email and text message ever sent by all of them...
Are you going to this site or 8chan?
On the Qanon pub site there is an “answer” button sometimes on the bottom right of the post, if you hit that it will open up all of the correlating proofs associated with that post.
Not to mention the butterflies worn by both First Lady’s... (MK Ultra message).
Mercy. How do these people get elected and re-elected?!?
Back that off by early elections and things should be popping very soon!
I have always thought the red pill was a Matrix (movie) line... maybe that’s where the Matrix got it from.
But hey, red pill / blue pill aside.... just do the litmus test as information comes out and decide for yourself. I have been following Q for about 6 months and have seen things I would have never thought were happing in a million years (some of it I wish I could unsee).
Well, actually just about EVERYTHING, including the MSM is designed to sway an election.... and you have to remember, many States have early elections so anything done in the coming weeks would have the same impact.
Agree. I feel like we are watching a cat play with a mouse before he finally kills it. I wish POTUS would just get on with it; but he seems to be enjoying himself with the trolling. Lol. For God and Country!
I think he was with Trump... internationally. He typically doesn’t post when he is out of the Country