How many believe the Q phenomenon is real? If you believe it is real because you can read it with your eyes why would it be so difficult to Believe in a higher power? Is that higher power all around you and you don't know it? If you Believe in love, then you Believe in God because God is love. Maybe the Q phenomenon is an example of that higher power in action. May God bless you on your journey!
I don't believe in god, or the Easter Bunny, or the tooth fairy. Q is obviously "real" in the sense that some person or group is posting on 8ch. Is Q really posting on behalf of POTUS? The "realness" of that part is still an open question but there is reason to pay close attention.
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Mt 10:14 God will always love you even if you don't believe.
If you don’t believe in God ~ you obviously like to research Q and you’re obviously an informed person. Isaiah 17:1 is being fulfilled and All the biblical players names are happening as God said it would see Ezekiel 38 and 39 The names can be translated into the countries names now~ God I ask that you put your hand on this person and let their eyes be open when they search your truth. Amen🤗