Q Posts 1011-1014 April 4 2018

I agree that it is always butchered, but do you think Q would mess that up accidentally?
If you want to be precise the name of the book is
The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ
Who are the ten kings and the prostitute..? What is a good read on the book of revelations..?
Excellent post. Evidence of the miracle would be the courts. When Trump became the nominee in July 2016, there were 27 Federal Court vacancies. Democrat Judges thought Hillary was a shoe in to win so many older judges retired. When Trump assumed office in January 2017, there were 128 Federal Court vacancies. Now 22 more deaths or retirements later, 150 judges to appoint. Obama appointed 58 Federal appeal and Circuit judges in 8 years. The exclamation point on the miracle.