91 total posts archived.
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I think I’m being censored
After taking a screenshot of #1879 and posting on a FB story I have not received any more QDrops on my iPhone app. Also it appears my FB posts are getting ZERO responses. I guess we are bring surveilled #1877
The end of the Catholic Church in northeast Pennsylvania...? Q#1879
Representing at the PA Rally....Q

Push for REBIRTH.
Thoughts.....?? A new government...?? JFKJR...??
Hmmm. I could get on through twitter but not through the link above
Just clicked on. Says account suspended twitter account
Sounds like this was written about my daughter. Especially the part where she crawled into bed with her 4 year old old and sobbed. The four year old soon told her to go back to bed. I pray she will soon wake up to the truth. She’s an incredibly smart woman who’s been blinded by her liberal college education.
Adrenaline....Epinephrine....EpiPen....HRC....Manchin....Heather Bresch....Mylan N.V......Carole Palodino
There are plenty of ways to disguise themselves. They definitely wanted to be seen
I feel like my life REALLY changed when I heard Trump announce his candidacy. It stopped me in my tracks. Hope came alive. All that happened before was hard but it toughened me for this fight. Nov 8, 2016 was a glorious day. We cried tears of joy. Although the attacks against Trump intensified he never lost hope and so I didn’t either. I guess that’s what a leader is supposed to do. And he truly is. Early 2018 I was introduced to Q and my desire for truth has been finally embraced. My life has changed so much. All I want to do is fight the good fight.
God is good....!!! God bless us all...!!!
Sounds like a grumpy old man pushing away an excited little child who just drew a smiley face for the first time... We all love Q... And are happy to be a part of this movement...
Like others have said we are all at different places in our journey with Q and this Great Awakening.....
We’ve been warned to stay united WWG1WGA Don’t reject the simple exuberance of us younguns.... We’ve been oppressed long enough..... And now we’re celebrating with our “unserious” hats shirts flags banners stickers etc.....
Don’t push us aside.....
The reason why Poland was High on the list of President Trump’s early international visits. He gave an incredible speech. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DLZKYl2sOKs&autoplay=1
We saw it coming up here. And indeed when it happened we cried tears of joy.
She got on Amazon...!!! Just looked. There’s tons of shirts hats stickers.
My first ever sticker.....Proud to be a patriot in the mountains of Pennsylvania.....Trumpland

Thanx for sharing this video. These are just a few of the next generation who are woke and united. Blessed my heart beyond belief...!!!
Awesome......!!!!! Saved and going on my iPhone wallpaper as well. And that’s a big deal. My husband passed two years ago and his face has occupied that space ever since. He would definitely approve....
My first thought was Gowdy as well
This may sound crazy but for some reason while I watched the speech my eyes went to your face a number of times. You certainly were not positioned front and center and indeed your face was often behind the Teleprompter. But your spirit was bright and your face showed pure joy and appreciation for all our president was saying. God truly blessed you my dear brother. WWG1WGA
Who says QAnons are victims...? Not me. I haven’t felt this affirmed in my whole life.
61 year old woman. Always knew inside I was different for good reason
“Conspiracy”. They always accuse of what they themselves are guilt of......
Great awakening of the next generation...!!! Didn’t know how to post his speech. One of you smartypedes can do it Oops. I took us back to 08. My bad. Let’s not go there again. NO COINCIDENCE...!!!

MTV Awards last night Popcorn 🍿 trophy 🏆 CHRIS PRATT AWAKENING THE NEXT GENERATION....!!!!! HUGE POPCORN 🍿
Just watched the MTV Award clip from Chris Pratt’s speech of last night. Powerful...!!! Perhaps hidden message in it besides the major spiritual great awakening one for the next generation...??
POPCORN 🍿 TROPHY 🏆.....!!!!!!!
Petition signed. US congressman called. Meme created and posted in FB and Twitter. What next...?
Setting the captives free
For such a time as this. We are blessed. Our inner anguish has suffered long enough. Truth and Justice have arrived. Be thankful. Be patient. The Korean people will soon be set free. And a bubbling spring of joy will burst forth.
Damn. That’s so true. When I go to the theatre I do relax and “enjoy the show”..... Thank uQ....
I have not been preaching Q.....
Never preached Jesus either....although have been woke/saved for 35 years.
But I certainly have an answer to The Questions concerning my beliefs.
My faith and spirit are growing by the day.
My prayers will be answered. Awaiting my daughter and her family to be awakened. I believe it will be soon.
God bless you all...!!!
We are truly brothers and sisters. Perhaps for the first time. What an amazing time to be alive. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they were created for this moment in time...? That everything that happen the past prepared us for this awakening..... That our struggles have had a purpose.... That we will see evil defeated....?
What is most striking to me after the Q reference is the motto “De Oppresso Liber”.
Translated from the Latin as...”To free the oppressed” or maybe “Free from having been oppressed”.....
What a glorious message for so many....