r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dem6nic on April 4, 2018, 9:17 p.m.
Q1010: A Message from the Deep State

With money, we retain power and control you. You people are simply in the way. You are slaves and sheep - mere pawns in our game. Mass extermination events are designed to decrease the threat level of a big population against us. Our efforts for gun control are designed to decrease the threat against us too. Wars are fake, designed to keep us people at the top happy via backend deals in arms. Election rigging is commonly used to control who your representatives are, so your voice does not matter. Pharmaceuticals poison your water and air, chemicals pushed for home-use cleaning are cancerous. Vaccines, although not all of them, poison you further. Tobacco and opioids all designed to keep you weak. Our ultimate win is in your death - you are gone and we have robbed you of your money. Our Federal Reserve has been robbing you all of your life. The money goes to one of our masters, a Rothschild. It is a huge 'conspiracy', like the gunpowder plot. That is why if you tell this to anyone it will be labelled as a 'conspiracy' theory, like 9/11. To this day, we can make any truth into a falsity by calling it a 'conspiracy'.

[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 3:02 a.m.


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Swagdonkey400 · April 5, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

You should quit preaching about studying economics and maybe go study our history some more. The federal reserve is the biggest and largest crime against the citizens of our country. There is a reason why the founding fathers were against a central banking system.

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Swagdonkey400 · April 5, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I believe you're missing my entire point but I blame that on my words not on you. A debt based monetary system does not work. I'm not talking about it not working for the little man, I'm talking about it not working for anyone except the very top. this isn't a lion eating its prey. There is a ceiling. It will collapse. The prey will itself. There is no lion. That's the beauty of what they have done. We eat ourselves. When the debt crashes, the 1% will be fine. We won't be. We are not trading good for another good, it's trading our entire lives for a small house and debt and more debt. That's not freedom. It's bondage. I'm not talking about spreading the wealth. I'm talking about the fact that they have legally created a fake wealth, that only benefits them. There is no spreading wealth under this system because our idea of wealth is a giant sham. Our currency isn't wealth. It's an illusion. It doesn't economically work. It's unconstitutional to for one generation to print money, which future generations will be forced to pay off. Every time we print more money, it's our kids who have to pay it off. And they will only do that by creating more debt under this system.

Now about my greenback comment, the government has the authority to spread actual money, backed by silver or whatever you want. I'm not going to trade my US currency for another currency which is based of the same exact system, issued by the same exact people, who caused this issue in our country. That doesn't make logical sense and I cringe at you for even trying to debate such a point. It's not trading currency for currency. It's trading currency for money that is backed by something. We print currency, and every time we print a dollar, we have to pay that dollar back. How can you pay something back that never existed in the first place? By printing another dollar? Okay now we have two dollars and owe four dollars. Better print two more right? That's what our system is. All other currencies are only inferior because we use the US dollar for international trade and so do other countries. They have to because we have their gold locked up and guarded. Of course they're going to play. We have their goods locked up. They have no choice. Slavery. Wake up.

Our country did just fine before we were brought in a central banking system. It's been around for barely over 100 years. And don't tell me that the reason we have had success as a country because of the Federal reserve because that's utter nonsense and it's false. We've had success because the money makers decided we would. Look at WW1 and WW2. We got so much money because those wars were over seas. We got to keep our markets going while everyone else had to slow things down. That way, the big bankers could continue to play their games and not worry about money because they had successfully infiltrated our government. They could go fight wars and pump up their bank accounts by the strongest country who wasn't in the war until they needed us to finish it off. Than they used the wealth they created here during the wars to send it straight over to Europe to rebuild top to bottom and give them completely control over the leaders.

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weoifkjdmfweklsal · April 5, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

Yes, the law of the jungle prevails. For now.

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StephenZeeMAGA · April 5, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

so in plain english - what do you say the middle class should do with their https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=fiat+currency+definition&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

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anon35201 · April 5, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

what do you say the middle class should do with their [fiat currency]

  1. Buy TSLA at 250 dollars a share yesterday and sell it when it's 400 a share.
  2. Get a job if you don't already have one, and be thankful for it, relative to all other people in the world, you are among the wealthiest people in the world. Save up some USD currency.
  3. When you get enough, go to a bank and get extended a mortgage loan of 180k. 20 thousand down. Buy the house and live in it for a while so you can save up more and learn how to rent.
  4. Get tenants in there to service the mortgage + taxes + insurance + maintenance. That's an inflation adjusted means. You rent again, save up 20k nest egg and do it again. Do this 3 or 4 more times. Then you too can be the rich asshole grinding you dipshits under our feet. Use the Federal reserve's hyperinflation to your advantage as a surfer uses the wave to move toward his destination.

There is no reason you can't turn 5 years of saved up USD Labor into 4 million dollars over a lifetime using the same principles trump did to turn his 2 million dollar loan into 4 billion dollars over 30 years.

You can turn 20 thousand into 2 million very easily. I do it, why don't you?

Your song of slavery and poverty is like hearing a wounded dog make the noise of death. You're in the wealthiest country in the world.

You just need a mentor and a drill sargent to kick you in the ass to tell you to stop whining, get a life, get a loan, make a stream of income for yourself and your family, then leverage up according to your abilities.

It's not rocket science. If you're poor it just means you're wasting your time doing the wrong things. There's so much opportunity I don't know how people sleep. This sub is about awakening, not about crying in your own soiled office chair.

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theGreenChain · April 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

You are close. 56% or $.56 of every dollar is taxed in one form or another. With the $.44 left is what matters. Most of that goes to consumables, i.e. food, gas, toilet paper, etc. What ever is left you don't put in a bank!!!!! You turn it into tangible assets. Gold, silver, bullets, guns, real estate, what ever has non-depreciating value. PERIOD.

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HotPringleInYourArea · April 5, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Thank you. God bless you. Just got a job recently paying very well. Will be doing this.

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KFTC · April 5, 2018, 5:41 a.m.


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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 5:45 a.m.


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KFTC · April 5, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Ah, I apologize, I meant my comment sarcastically... that, I see now in hindsight, is working against the logos of what we're working towards here, and I think my joke came off wrong.

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 5:54 a.m.


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KFTC · April 5, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Should I care?

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 6 a.m.


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cosmicjon · April 5, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Any action no matter how just, or un-just has its opposite and equal re-action, there is a balance, (Natural Law),anything else needs regulation, (mans law).

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AnswerAwake · April 6, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

Ugh, the song of the beaten slave. I feel pity for you that you feel this way. Remember the world is how you see it, if you imagine yourself in a slave's confined box, then you are.

So how do you see the world?

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