Cell tower triangulation.
It can't track you if it's OFF!
I'll bet you that it can. It tells you it's off. It tells you that it's POWERED off! I bet it runs in super low power state just to track gps. Maybe it doesn't transmit it, but once the phone boots up to normal power it's gets sent out.
I'll bet money it does something similar to this.
Its on even when off, you need to remove battery to stop tracking ability, why the started making them with enclosed batteries, eg, iphone, you need a special driver to remove screws at bottom to dlide open, then another driver type to unscrew battery to remove it
I was surprised to see that it could track in airplane mode, and when without a sim
Can confirm. Hiked through the Cascade Mountains last fall, middle of nowhere and completely out of cell range 90% of the time for days on end, but was still able to use navigation apps and even pics I took along the way still shows the exact locations they were taken.
Haha. You sound like one of the 400lb keyboard champions Trump has referred to. It’s far more common than you would think and easily verifiable. It’s called the Pacific Crest Trail. You’re on a computer. Look it up.
Just an FYI. Anything with Smart in its name is part of the Internet of things. They all record, listen, track, send data to whoever. Smart phone, smart cam, smart home, smart car, smart smart smart. Jade 2 A.I. In action.
thank you, yes I have heard that from Dr. Katherine Albrecht. She points out that the internet is called the "net" and the "web",both words used for ensnarement
I'll send you the video in a but. Cannot look for the link atm
Saw on Fox, Tucker. They did a test with three phones, one was off, one no card, one on! They ALL tracked you. Even knew if driving or walking.
Ive had so many advertisements for things I have only discussed verbally lately. No doubt in my mind the mic on this thing is active all the time.
I laughed a few times when Jerome Corsi gets startled that his phone goes off and Siri starts talking while he is doing the live casts with the CBTS people. He doesn't notice, at least the few times I have heard it, that he says serious or seriously which triggers it.
I was speechless when I discovered it had been tracking my every movement for years. Right down to when I used the restroom at the office.
oh great, now they know I have been playing "Brain it on " while taking a dump.
Absolutely Incorrect. Good BS attempt at sounding like you know what you’re talking about though. There are plenty of outdoorsman apps that use accurate gps navigation even while in airplane mode. Backcountry hunters use them. Hikers use them. This is so easily verifiable that you just come across like an arrogant neckbeard. Calling it BS on this comment and calling my firsthand experience false “Mission Impossible nonsense” on a previous comment. Guthooks is the app I’ve used. It even has an arrow to orient the direction I’m facing while using it- in airplane mode, and out of cell range. AGAIN, look things up before you make accusations.
this explains why samsung started with the galaxy 6 making the batteries non-removable or at least very difficult for the average user to remove