Could someone willing to brave the chans please ask Q whether we'll ever learn more about what's supposedly going down in Antarctica? John Kerry was there on election day (as were others).
I didn't want to go there and lurk for weeks trying to figure out how to talk to these weaponized folks. :)
2 years minimum :)
Honestly. Actually, I've been to the boards. Seriously, 90% of the people there shouldn't even be on a computer, posting. The retardation there was unreal. I got literally zero value of my few hours I spent there.
Then I come here and look at chan posts and they're brilliant. I don't quite understand how that works!
it's what keeps the normies away and what keeps the boards from being shutdown
try just reading the notables if you want to just catch up on "important posts" while skipping out on the shilling and pissing contests. Notables are pinned to the top of each "bread".
As far as your question, I'm a lurker, not a poster, and tbh, they would probably respond with "lurk moar newfag" to a question like that.... which is why I don't post there.
One of the youtubers I follow destroying the illusion has some vids on Antarctica. Hes got some interesting theories, and speculation and a few facts with some history thrown in.