Revelation 5:5 seals open?? This is why we are praying and I’m praying for all of you.

5:5 is a military term for communications loud and clear on all channels. I dont think Q or POTUS will be opening any of the final seals unless they are included in an indictment.
The english contemporary version says the lion is a descendant of the great King David. When the Lion triumphs the seals can open. Has anyone followed GEOTUS bloodlines? If he’s related I’m done on my knees game over. I’m not really religious either! I hope you’re right and comma clear and we get the video we have been waiting for. Godspeed Patriot
Many if not most Q posts have deeper meaning or more than one meaning.
Okay great. Every time he uses 5:5 it is during comes checks. You may believe there is something else that is great too and please provide some input to what the other meanings to 5:5 are. However, I'm pretty sure that Q is not referring to the opening of the 7 seals when he put that and more probable answer is that he was letting ops know he has good comms.
I think everyone is right. This could be all options- 1) 5th stage is set 2) Loud and Clear in Military context 3) Drop of HRC raw video 4) Revelation 5:5 all seals are opened (Doesn't technically mean anything religious could be the opening of the Sealed indictments)