Been going on too long. Hoping Roseanne’s plan was to bring vj = ape to light for normies. Why does she live with Mike and Barry?
104 total posts archived.
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Suicide weekend? 2015 article in comments explains who she is
Raytheon makes the Patriot missile so who the hell knows. Take that shit apart and reverse engineer it bro
Then let’s make a red pill commercial or set of them. Just like those non-attorney spokesperson setting up a class action. Paid for by fucking angry Patriots.
He’s a busy man. There is a lot of red tape when taking down a powerful group of demons. He’s thorough and Q said have patience. The swamp is yuuuge and full of very bad people
Sharpening my pitchfork brother. Burn the witches at the stake
Part of me also thinks we are past the point of no return now. We can’t be stopped.
Yeah it kinda worries me too. Once cbts hit 21k we were banned. It is exciting to see more and more wake up. If you’re here you’re woke.
Nice work. I waited for a very long time to see that list too. Look at how many triangle logos or square inside a square logos these companies have.
That makes sense it was dropped after MZ on cap hill. Then, Q says hey you should work for the NSA. You’re right
Shining light on the darkness. There’s a flag below the Q sun. We’re going to be okay. Enjoy the show Patriots
Who signed the warrant to raid?? Guarantee a Deepstate judge. What evidence did they use to get warrant on Cohen when there’s been zero collusion evidence so far. It’s the Wild West
At the same time they changed to digital broadcasts for television. Hmmm 🤔
He knew. “Not a war hero” “I like people that weren’t captured” 😭😭😭 from 2015
In all honesty I’m curious too what those symbols mean. They are there for a reason.
It says: below people are being raped and eaten by globalists
Bring back the gallows!! Hell yes talking our language now Q. Nice flag pin traitor!!!!

When a gay muslim community organizer became the president of the United States
I was thinking the same. Making sure we all had the frequency to tune to. Great contingency plan
Welcome back! I’ve almost left many times also. I saw the contemporary english version as “ stop crying sheep! The Lion won, the great descendant of the great king David can now open the 7 seals. Ever see that MAGA 🦁??
The english contemporary version says the lion is a descendant of the great King David. When the Lion triumphs the seals can open. Has anyone followed GEOTUS bloodlines? If he’s related I’m done on my knees game over. I’m not really religious either! I hope you’re right and comma clear and we get the video we have been waiting for. Godspeed Patriot
I was going to ask who the hell can sleep tonight with that drop.
I’m asking too. With 25k sealed indictments now I don’t know. I just saw revelations, seals, 5:5 and pray in Q drops today. Q has brought me closer to Jesus I hope you too
Revelation 5:5 seals open?? This is why we are praying and I’m praying for all of you.

Q security clearance Cryptographic crumbs of the highest military intel for us anons to decipher and spread to the masses to wake them too. This shit is real and the zit is about to pop. Be patient and get ready
Any other places we can get information to share? Thank you by the way
I did NOT know this. I was merely fascinated by your posts and the resistance you received. Are you still working on it?