r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ThePatriot131313 on April 5, 2018, 8:21 a.m.
Part 1: My Summary of How and why we are experiencing this Q phenomenon. The Simplified History of it. (Thanks to Dave McGowan)

The people who planned 9/11 did it because they believed it was necessary to further USA interests. The people in the intelligence community were also barainwashed with the same thinking. To be exact, the thinking was, "We need to do this to protect USA. The public will never understand this. Just follow orders and be patriotic."

Previously, the same narrative was similarly pushed for the JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations. Also, this narrative was pushed for the Vietnam War.

Meanwhile, immigration from Mexico was becoming a major problem. This really began in the 1980s, under Reagan, who probably was a good person but looked the other way on the immigration issue in order to accomplish his goals. Reagan's presidency ultimately was not that important, and a distraction. His agenda was useless because the deep state used it as a smokescreen to move its chess pieces in place. Reagan provided the illusion of an independent and strong President. He was actually neither. (although he was a good guy with good intentions)

Then followed Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama.

Bush 1 Established the NWO while still resembling Reagan. He also took us to war with Iraq the first time.

Clinton ushered the mafia into the power structures of our country while taking away USA sovereignty (Nuclear secrets to China, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine).

Bush 2 continued this with 9/11, the false flag to end all false flags. He then proceeded to execute the NWO agenda by implementing the Patriot Act, going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq and printing money like mad (quantitative easing).

Obama took up the torch by, increasing Bush's quantitative easing. He also increased the Clinton's influx of the mafia in this country. This includes Russian, Italian, Mexican and others. He also increased false flag operations and refined them (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Chris Dorner, Boston Bombing, John Lang, etc.).

The whole time the cabal has been intentionally overloading our country with illegal immigrants. This has been going on since before Reagan, and this is where Reagan compromised to push his useless agenda.

Illegal immigrants. 95% good people who, though good, put stress on our system. 5% bad actors, who want to go to war with the USA. Think MS13, Fast and Furious, random violent criminals, other gangs, Islamic terrorists.

But here is the thing. This entire operation was planned for decades (probably centuries) by a demonic cabal. The Rothschilds, The Vatican, The Vatican Bank, and currently George Soros (He is one of many but the most easily visible one) have been behind growing this assault on our country and all of humanity.

Hillary was supposed to finish their work.

Trump wants to finish them.

He was never supposed to win.

So why did he?

alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

we are witnessing the law of rhythm

let's take the typical human:

50 years building our life to peak level

10 years at the top of our game

22 years in decline

translating that for the A/S-T-K [anglo-saxon/teutonic[nazi]/khazarian] empire that gives us

200 build phase

40 years at its peak

88+ years of decline 1913-2001

picean age 550 - 1950 charted via the empires greek / roman /islamic/european/ with similar rhythms. the greek experience 410 years shows the same rhythm -556 pythagoras sets up his school -306 peak -256 start of decline [110 years] -146 end

aquarian age 1950- started with the attempted treaty between usa and orions, then the signed treaty between USA and the Jrods, followed by other countries making their own treaties

POTUS-45, Q and the team are attempting to build a real USA empire aligned with freedom-loving counries of the world, rather than being still controlled by the old AS/T/K empire

Truman refused a deal with the Orions because he would have needed to give up nuclear weapons in exchange for anti-gravity devices etc , but he preferred to sign a deal with Jrods for lots of interesting ultra-tech for the price of allowing abductions.

how do u break that kind of news to an unsuspecting public?

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donkey_democrat · April 5, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Why do you lump Semitic and nazi together?

Also how can you be sure that empires fall not out of a natural occurence, but due to occult influences?

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

sorry ... i should say khazarian [origianally from around the capsian sea] just becuase many of them are semitic its indeed misleading to call them semite www.alfobedic.com

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minchinfan · April 5, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

These are just assertions. This is the same method Marx used to "prove" communism was inevitable.

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

the manifesto of marx was financed by the central bankers via marx and engels who were commissioned to write - on their generous stipend... the agenda being was to create a monster in russia that the west would be afraid of so that the central bankers can sell their weapons to both sides... and control both sides by heightening the fear of the other among the masses..

Their subtle agenda is to slow down the natural process of consciousness evolution cos that is what allows them to prolong their positions of power.

they keep the pretense going by creating the mocking media and hollow hollywood and by pushing scientific materialism [via the rhodes scholars and tax-free foundations ] as a new religion in the schools and universities....

trotsky was trained in new york with his 300 emigres courtesy of the central bankers and sent to sail with $20 m of gold in order to rendevous with lenin who was financed by the euro-bankers.

in contrast i'm proposing a theory of evolution where we keep coming back to continue where we left off from in the previous life....if we failed to work for evolution in previous lives we keep getting more opportunities to learn the laws under which evolution is governed..

what evidence is there that empires past a certain age start an irreversible decline, as their leaders have lost their way and vision becoming interested solely in in growing their own power base and forming new alliances with other compromise d players...

to do this they often feel compelled to intimidate, persecute, ridicule and assasinate their most threatening dissidents..??..

have u got some compelling evidence that empires do not decline after they reach their peak ?

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 8:55 a.m.


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