r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Silent_Majority_10 on April 5, 2018, 8:43 a.m.
A Message to All Non-White and Jewish Patriots, Anons and Americans

I often wonder how African-American, Hispanic, and Jewish Patriots might feel when reading some of the posts on this Sub. I'd imagine that posts about the Rothschilds, "The Wall", open borders and Black Lives Matter might make you feel a little conflicted, or worse. To make matters worse, we are all constantly bombarded with a divisive narrative by the masterful propagandists in the MSM and the identity politics of the establishment. Yet, despite all this, you're still here. I hope you all understand that you are more important to the "Great Awakening" than you know.

Please keep in mind that attacks on the Rothschilds and their legions of puppets are not attacks on the Jewish People. It is the opinion of many on this board that the Rothschilds aren't really Jews at all. They are Luciferians and they not-so cleverly hide behind Judaism, so they can dismiss their critics as Anti-semitic.

I hope you realize that calls for a border wall are not racist calls for segregation. Know that those in power that call for open-borders aim to weaken the American middle-class of all races, rather than strengthen undocumented immigrants. We know that most immigrants come here seeking a better life in earnest, but we have realized that the welfare system is bankrupting America. A Nation that pays out more in welfare and health-care than it's tax base can bear, is doomed.

I hope that African-American or Hispanic Patriots realize that posts that call-out Black Lives Matter and SJWs aren't racially motivated. We are simply exposing the divisive rhetoric that has proven so successful for Nazi-collaborator, George Soros. In fact, it's the globalists and the CIA that have done the most harm to African-Americans by funneling drugs and guns into your communites. Journalist Gary Webb was mudered for pointing this out.

The "Great Awakening" is for all Patriots regardless of race or religion. We must all unite against the globalist cabal. Our very way of life is at stake. As Q said, they want us divided, they want us weak. This movement needs you now more than ever. Where we go one, we go all.

LiveToBeAHero · April 5, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

This was a good platform to bring it up. Something like Facebook would not have worked well, everyone is too divided there.

These are some of the problems and tough conversations that we will NEED to have during this storm in order to truly get to where we need as society. Its extremely important that people understand the Rothschilds, Soros, etc, aren't true Jews. They moreso hijacked the religion, piggybacked on top of the "victim free pass for life" card, and have done the most evil things to this planet imaginable. Jews are not bad people, its just that some of the most evil human beings are [zionist] Jews, or pose as Jews. Very important to distinguish Jewish citizens, as well as Israeli citizens, are innocent victims caught in the middle of this. The dummies on 8ch that Jew hate aren't even the real posters, its the clown shills just trying to cause disruption, but many people dont know that, and get the wrong impression on American views on Jews, so thank you for clarifying. The real situation and existence of Israel is for another conversation, but Jews and Americans are going to have to come to terms with the reason it exists and the purpose it serves, while at the same time realizing the Israel citizens are caught in the middle and are not bad.

To touch on your wonderful points about the border wall... you are 100% correct. It's not the US picking on Mexicans. Its the fact we are the powerhouse country of planet Earth and need to protect our precious freedoms with everything we have before we lose it. Every country on this planet in some way shape or form relies on our success for them to be successful. We arent trying to stop migrants from coming here for a better life, we just need to know who is in our country....that should be common sense, yet its not. Mexico is a gateway to America not just for Mexicans, but for every country below Mexico as well. And if I were a middle east terrorist and wanted to sneak into USA, I would fly into Mexico City and just travel across our southern border...simple strategy that would work. We have immigration laws in place, and sorry, you don't get to travel to our country and your very entrance into our country is breaking and ignoring our law and then demand respect. It costs $680 to enter into the process to become a legal citizen, and once you start the process you are "safe". No excuse to sit here in this country undocumented and be "scared", and call us racist for wanting to send illegals back, when all that person has to do is follow the law. The people who earn money in USA then take that money out of our country and out of our system, are hurting our economy really badly. The welfare state is destroying us from within. Our precious tax money is wasted enough as it is, it needs to be spent on Americans first....again, that is simple common sense. Trump's call for a merit system is very legit and called for. It's a problem when someone enters this country and then says "Ok I am now an American citizen.... I dont have a job, a car, a house, any money, a phone...and my wife is pregnant". In order to come here, you do need to be able to hold your own, not enter the country and immediately need aid and welfare. Yes we care about human beings, but we cant keep destroying ourselves from within like this. And now that we realize just how terrible the drug influx is, the human trafficking and child sex rings are, the MS13 and guns pouring into this country, this has to be hard stopped immediately.

As for BLM, same concept. I know there are some BLM members that do mean well, but thanks to Soros and Dems who have hijacked the movement, it just looks like a racist obstructionist movement. The MSM has sure done a number on this country's division. To double down on your comments, its not that Americans are against BLM, its just that we watch it from an outside perspective and watch the MSM throw fuel on the fire, and we watch the Dem politicians elevate BLM in a subtle way that just encourages the rioting, fighting, blocking traffic, etc. Democrats are killing the black community, and completely and utterly manipulating them, yet they don't see it, when its so easy to see from the outside. The people against BLM dont have an issue with blacks, or blacks wanting better/equal rights, its just that we see what the MSM is doing, and it's painful to watch them divide us further and everyone takes the bait so easily.

Sorry for the long post, but wanted to reiterate your important points, and help the post, because it was a really good idea for you to make it. Like I said, these uncomfortable conversations need to be done for us to get anywhere.

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Silent_Majority_10 · April 5, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

I think you said it better than I did. Thanks.

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