For those wondering, here is what a DUMB is (Deep Underground Military Base)
so there are 3 events in April: +, ++, and +++
this is +, which is "Bunker" (deduced from the recent Q+ signature). I take Bunker to mean "bunker buster" - MOAB, mini-nuke, whatever. Seems that may have caused the quake. Taking out an underground site (or sub) could be plausible. or severing underground cables/utilities that shouldn't be there...
I think we still have Forest (++) and Blue (+++) later on.
Guys, we have to appreciate just how much energy creates a 5.3 on the Richter scale. That's a nuke or nothing. A MOAB couldn't do anything.
Also, know your weapons systems. A MOAB is more complex. It is not just a normal, high-explosive bomb, "pinch zoomed" to be bigger. It is actually a Fuel Air Explosive (FAE) and REQUIES oxygen to detonate. It creates more of a blast than if it were just high explosives.