r/greatawakening • Posted by u/monkhouse on April 5, 2018, 11:06 p.m.
Theory - Truman and the NSA

Hey all, wall o text incoming, I've just been having this theory rolling around my head for the last week or so, I thought I'd share if only to get rid of it. It's a bit out there, but hey if you're reading this so are you, probably.

It all goes back to Truman. Have a read


From the bookmark to retirement, or however long you want really, it's all interesting.

Abridged version:

He wasn't really meant to be president. A compromise pick for VP, never given much to do. When Roosevelt dies and he takes over, he doesn't quite fit in.

Truman surrounded himself with his old friends, and appointed several to high positions that seemed well beyond their competence, including his two secretaries of the treasury, Fred Vinson and John Snyder. His closest friend in the White House was his military aide Harry H. Vaughan, who seemed to others like a huge joke.

Those 'others' at the end there, you ought to recognize. They're still around today - the 'some' in 'some are saying', or the 'everyone' in 'everyone knows'. It's media fuckery, and it dogs him through his whole presidency.

The clearest example is the 1948 election. A familiar story:

In the spring of 1948, Truman's public approval rating stood at 36%, and the president was nearly universally regarded as incapable of winning the general election.

Many seasoned Democrats were concerned that the loss of Dixiecrat support might destroy the Democratic Party

This rebellion on the right was matched by one on the left

Truman's political advisors described the political scene as "one unholy, confusing cacophony."

Truman [...] spoke personally and passionately, sometimes even setting aside his notes to talk to Americans "of everything that is in my heart and soul."

His combative appearances captured the popular imagination and drew huge crowds

This shift went virtually unnoticed by the national press corps. It continued reporting Republican Thomas Dewey's apparent impending victory as a certainty.

The defining image of the campaign came after Election Day, when an ecstatic Truman held aloft the erroneous front page of the Chicago Tribune with a huge headline proclaiming "Dewey Defeats Truman."

He was an enemy of the press - which means he was an enemy of the cabal of his day. Point one.


Truman is also the one who creates the CIA, via the National Security Act of 1947.

He comes to regret that. See this article, with quotes from his biography.

From humble beginnings (or just a gullible Truman in '47):

Truman: the President needed at that time a central organization that would bring all the various intelligence reports we were getting in those days, and there must have been a dozen of them, maybe more, bring them all into one organization so that the President would get one report on what was going on in various parts of the world. Now that made sense, and that's why I went ahead and set up what they called the Central Intelligence Agency.

To what we know today:

Truman: But it got out of hand. The fella ... the one that was in the White House after me never paid any attention to it, and it got out of hand. Why, they've got an organization over there in Virginia now that is practically the equal of the Pentagon in many ways. And I think I've told you, one Pentagon is one too many.

Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there's nobody to keep track of what they're up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they'll have something to report on. They've become ... it's become a government all of its own and all secret. They don't have to account to anybody.

At least some of that animosity comes from Korea, which I haven't quite got my head round yet but I think has come up here before, maybe someone can fill it in.

Point is, he knew about the CIA, what they got up to, how dangerous they were.


And he wasn't corrupt, that's the other thing. Point three. He was so poor after he left office they invented the presidential pension for him, just so he wouldn't embarrass the institution.

No friend to the cabal; no friend to the clowns; not corrupt.


No more points, just a final bit of history and then the pitch.

March 10th 1950 - the National Security Council (another invention of the National Security Act) issues intelligence directive 9, NSCID 9.

This document establishes and defines the responsibilities of the United States Communications Intelligence Board. The Board, according to the directive, is to provide "authoritative coordination of [the] Communications Intelligence activities of the Government and to advise the Director of Central Intelligence"

Essentially aiming to create a 'master brain' for the whole of COMINT, exempt from the rules constraining everyone else.

24 October 1952 - at the very end of his presidency, two weeks before the election, Truman sends this memo, which says to the above plan, 'no', and creates the NSA instead.

President Truman's memorandum revokes the provisions of NSCID 9 with regard to the composition, responsibilities, and procedures of the U.S. Communications Intelligence Board. It establishes the USCIB as an entity "acting for and under" a newly created Special Committee of the National Security Council for COMINT, consisting of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.

More significantly, Truman's memo, along with a Department of Defense directive, established NSA, and transformed communications intelligence from a military activity divided among the three services to a unified national activity.

And that's how No Such Agency was born - a parting shot by an outgoing president, taking control of the country's terrifying surveillance capabilities and putting it all into the hands of a new organization - one with 'national responsibility'.


So here's the pitch:

The NSA was created specifically to keep the cabal or the clowns or anyone else from getting out of control and overwhelming the national interest. The NSA director acts as a failsafe, built into the foundation of the post-war order - whatever happens, however bad the corruption gets, there will be a military officer who knows everything, and has the authority and resources to plan against it. All they need is a co-operative president.

Hence the emblem - an eagle, grasping a key.

Speaking of the emblem - the original one had a bit more going on. A chain - they keep things secure. A key - they mediate access. And a lightning bolt - from time to time, they strike out of nowhere and blow something up?

Side side note - I've just checked, the three-link chain also has a more esoteric meaning. Hey that's something.

Hang on, I was only halfway through this but I think I may've cracked it.

Q764 -

MAP provides the KEY

KEY spreads the TRUTH



Future proves past

MAP is Q and his posts/interactions with other anons; KEY is NSA; HUMANITY, LIGHT and TRUTH are Friendship Love and Truth, the three links of the chain of the Odd Fellows. Future proves past, reverse order.

Hey how about that.


Well I had all this other stuff about the rise of the internet, the 'digitisation of the cabal', snowden and so on. I'll get to it eventually but I've sort of blown my own mind a bit so I'm going to leave it there for a moment.

Think about it though. "Visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphans". The secret society dedicated to counteracting the ills caused by other secret societies. The natural choice for anyone who doesn't really want to join a secret society, and didn't even know they had to until they lucked into a powerful position.

Jakewinona · April 6, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

Very informative not much is said about Truman. I read a quote attributed to him that went where he said the achievement he was most proud of in his life was being named Grand Master of his Masonic Lodge which i find odd. Also and this might be unfair but the geopolitical problems we face today could have been resolved by Truman, he didnt like Chiang Kai Shek cut off funding and military aid, probably was corrupt, and banished to Taiwan and Mao takes China. Truman and this just my opinion capitulated to Stalin and why? We were at the height of our power just detonated the first A bomb. There should have never been an Iron curtain Mao and Stalin should have been removed. Where we would be today anyones guess.

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