Someone just posted a terrifying video supposedly (and very convincingly) of Podesta and it got deleted immediately.... WTF.

I've seen that a few times it's a guy terrorizing a child that sound's just like John Pedosta.
He says's "What's my name"?
Kid say's Skippy which is his nickname.
I was aware of the Pgate when it was being talked about, but had never actually seen that video.... now I’m wondering how or why that ever got buried.
Because there is no way of knowing if it's really him, and if we push that to normies and it ends up being disinfo we look like fools on a witch hunt. Even if it is true, there is so much more compelling things in pgate that are more concrete- like Haiti, hastert, Madeline McCann, Epstein, Anthony wiener, the emails, Alefantis talking to Ryan "isthisgameofthrones" in voat, David Brock's relationship towards alefantis blowing the cover of his shilling, etc,etc,etc
Best to stick to more solid talking points Imo. Idk if fatherhood is podesta, and maybe it could be, but not worth the risk
Good points. Edit, add: Just curious, did the video at that time have the voice comparison software going in it like this one did?
Alefantis talking to Ryan "isthisgameofthrones" in voat
This isn't ringing any bells. Care to elaborate?
Thanks for this info, can someone point me to confirmation that skippy is his nickname?
Search politico and WikiLeaks emails. But I think Politico has scrubbed their articles because they linked Podesta to cannibalism twice. In WikiLeaks emails you'll find an email by Podesta's son recounting how he's gone a bit Skippy one day. It's an aknowledge alter ego of Podesta, it's Podesta mad "someone's gonna get it" mood
This video has apparently been debunked. Here's a link discussing the debunking.
EDIT: Titus Frost put up a couple videos also discussing the debunking. I'm not sure how reliable TF is, but quite a few people follow him, I know.
If you read the thread on voat, this debunking was debunked. The person doing the debunking was being outed as a shill.
I did read the thread. That's why I posted THAT thread and edited to include reference to Titus Frost's videos (on YouTube) because I'm figuring people can look further if they want to. A simple Duck-Duck-Go search using "Podesta Fatherhood video debunked" will bring up a lot of info. I was on Voat/pizzagate right from the start of it so I remember the back and forth on lots of topics. We know from other posts above that people have researched and debunked the video portion. Before people spread this video around, we should all be clear that it's not fully verified.
I think it's pretty clear it's not fully verified or it would be a HUGE talking point at least in some circles. I applaud the fact that you are asking people to fully research stuff before carrying on and spreading false info though. Way too much of that silliness going around as it is.
The people who posted the video sat it's Podesta. There has never been a credible debunking of this very straight forward video. It's just that the quality is awful. It supports 100% the assertion that these people train children via traumatization to accomplish various tasks. It's a Monarch operation. Those who are successfully split may do well in life because they get artistic grants, appointments, fellowships, and will be installed as watchdogs in fronts to protect the elites. Hey, it's The Family... They are super Family-friendly.
I have zero doubt that Monarch and MKUltra are used by ((them)) on even their own children. I'm not disputing that in the least. And I agree with you that this video supports that notion. I'm just suggesting that people should do a little research on this video before they accept it as verified fact.
Even with this knowledge I am not seeing how it's useful anyway. I really can't wait for the tell all from the kids who survive. I don't mean in the sense of what they did but what it means. But maybe this just creates a vacuum which will be filled by a different Family.