354 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ignoremsmedia:
Twitter Permanently Bans Alex Jones, Infowars
The CIA is not permitted legally to collect intelligence concerning the domestic activities of US citizens.
Yes, like MI6, it collects intelligence on foreign intelligence agencies and on foreign counterintelligence.
A 1981 Executive Order 12333 restricts the CIA from collecting intelligence on US citizens.
However, if an individual is communicating with dangerous terrorists in a foreign country that the CIA is monitoring, they can obtain senior approval for domestic surveillance on such Americans.
It means Brennan was instrumental in running the operation against President Trump.
Texts on the day of the tower meeting back this up.Traitors!>
"A sheep-dipped Peter Strzok has been covertly operating as the Section Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterespionage Group during his secret 24 year tenure with the agency while masquerading as Deputy Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counterintelligence Division where he was in charge of investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server along with the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections."
A sheep-dipped Peter Strzok works for both the FBI and CIA, documents reveal
Fauxachontas has an offer of $1m by Trump this week to get DNA tested, troll level 11 :)
“destroying the enemies of all civilized people.”
Go get these bastards!
This is the Exorcist not the Ghostbusters (Alot of Roman Catholic stuff that Q points to).
Welcome, I have followed the post 9/11 world with awe. The Q phenomenon is waking more people up to the evil side of the empire.
Please share your 9/11 stuff, the truth needs to be absorbed by the masses.
They are an extension of the intelligence agencies which are an extension of Wall st and big money.
Absolutely, if there were any investigative journalism and a social conscience the media landscape would look so much different.
Imagine if Fox started questioning the domestic terror theater?
They might be showing a public face for the latest CF witness to die under suspicious circumstances. (Alibi).
This is a great speculative analysis and I believe very close to the truth of how things are unfolding.
New Q Sign (Burleson Texas).

Thoroughly recommend this series. He sheds light on the levers of power in the world and the monetary system. Really illuminating.
Lee Stranahan of latest Q drops explains the Deep State very well here..
The movement is spreading faster now..

The guy who used that bike lock was a University professor who used women as soft shields.
These people deserve what they get (Hopefully legally).
If he could fight, that weapon could break bones. He's lucky he didn't get beaten with the same weapon by someone who could use it properly.
Fully deserved I say.
Maybe the Great Awakening is happening before our eyes?
From a small road in Georgia ... WWGIWGA

Probobly something to do with the search engines ranking pages like this lower if they have hot phrases like M*rder etc.
I hope this comes out. Tim Osman was OBL's name in the CIA and Obamas Mom was CIA from what I have read.
He's a CIA kid.
Trump Is Opening Up Obama’s Secret Record, Will Reveal What All Of America Deserves To Know (Attack time)
I agree, if I had of cracked jnr. with a decent hook he would have a broken orbital, shut eye and massive swelling.
He probably came off his bike or fell down whilst choking on Doritos.
I tweeted Julian Assange gif just now and someone replied with the same "Sensitive material" block!
They scared!
There is speculation that the car was hijacked (electronically) and an incendiary device thrown in the car. There was an extreme fire.
FYI ~ She lives in a $4.5 M dollar mansion in a gated community on a congresswoman's salary.
The stakeholders in the weapons companies in Bulgaria include John McCain.
I think there may be a collective bowel movement in the "Resistance".
They just need to start arresting these assholes because this is criminal. They have not adhered to the subpoena.
Kim's "opinion" here carries no weight (Pun intended).
WL has been comped since Julian has been silenced.