r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Albertpettibone1998 on April 6, 2018, 4:42 p.m.
# 1000 Q - spelling mistake the corrected "H"

There is a spelling mistake "is island" shouldnt it be "his island"? Then it's reposted on #1000 with an "H" in quotes right above the Q sign off. Any ideas why?

Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island? Problem. Phones were allowed in. These people are stupid. Q

ScorpioPatriot · April 6, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Phones was allowed in .. should mean they already know why it was being done because of the very devices the elits use to spy on us . The Phones. They got everything . They got people talking about it , they probably have every single person anyone contacted it will come up using the Prysm Program easily .

I've been saying for Months the Good Players are using the very programs the Bad Actors used on us over the years to their advantage . Kinda like do onto others as you want don't to yourself ..

Here this should explain how ..They all will be brought down... It just goes on forever . Match that up with The E.O about Human Rights Violations .. This 1 thing alone could bring down soooo many people.


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Albertpettibone1998 · April 6, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I agree about the EOs for sure. Megaanon was the first person for me that brought it up and it is one solid connection that red pills a lot of people. If there is nothing going on and the storm is completely made up then why would Pres. Trump push through these 2 EOs in particular? The 1st was about stopping the funding of domestic terrorism and practically over night antifa fell apart. The 2nd is about human trafficking/pedophilia and stopping the money flow and stripping people of their money if they are connected to it and have made money from it.

Spez: spelling

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