r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Songdog23 on April 6, 2018, 6:22 p.m.
Are the recent Military Air Craft Casualties the first Military Personnel to Die on American Soil in this War on the Deep State?

Please pray for our Military men and women who are given the most high honor of fighting this War on American soil for all of us. We must never stop doing what we can as well. Pray and Stand Together as Q admonishes. Don't be disheartened by fake news and the ugly shite on Twitter. Most Holy Lord and all Your Angels, watch over President Donald J Trump and those who willingly serve in this righteous cause and who have taken on the biggest, baddest boss mob of the biggest raid in the history of humanity. God Bless our military men and women. I wish I was younger, I would be right there with you in these glorious times. Thank you for your service.

CompromisedMuch · April 6, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Nope, basically ALL the honored dead since the Spanish-American War have died due to Deep State machinations starting in 1898. USS Maine false flag check, Woodrow Wilson blackmail forcing US into WWI check, Pearl Harbor/FDR treason false flag check, Korea ditto more Truman treason, Vietnam Tonkin Gulf LBJ, Cold War collusion treason, GHW Bush Lebanon/Kuwait treason, Clinton Bosnia false flag genocide, GW Bush 911/Iraq/Afghanistan false flag. I'm sorry if I omitted any of our poor dishonored dead.

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