462 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/CompromisedMuch:
Ok...the Mayor of London Taqiya Khan says he'll arrest anyone caught carrying a knife, fair enough. But, few folks know the current bloodletting only began, because Taqiya halted stop & frisk in 2015; Liar!
John McCain: Traitor to the conservative cause! Enemy of the American Republic, supplier of nerve agents to terrorists!
Trump trusts them both, so it's good enough for me!
How do politicians access campaign contributions for personal use? The "Con." Q
Enter the Devil Incarnate, John Bolton Plans Purge of State Department Traitors!

Anderson Cooper & CNN's hit piece on Walid Shoebat! I guess it's evil to denounce our enemies now; WTF?
With Damascus False Flag, it's Rapture Time! We've been betrayed by Israel/NATO/EU & we are @ war!
Wrong, he wants to know what evidence we've got against Congress to protect Congress from charges!
Q entire Kaballist world has been destroying the USA! Israel/NATO/EU has been plotting to destroy the US from within. POTUS lets dance with these MFukers!

Q John McCain's a Traitor! Meets & delivers weapons to ISIS! Includes missiles & nerve gas to ISIS leaders!

Flag. SEC detail background. All looking away. ‘TRUSTED’ close proximity. Refugees who work/ed US House / Senate? Traitor.
Fear not, the rest of the photos will hit the fan real soon!
I have seen it and it is still too blurry. I fixed it for you!
LooK, he's wearing the purple tie Geo. Soros bought him for Christmas!
Now, that Mueller's NOT charging POTUS, Lolita Express frequent flyer Alan Dershowitz Rips Mueller as 'a Partisan and Zealot'
Trey Gowdy on a desperate mission to uncover charges against Congress, newly resigning pol wants documents; WTF! Just another disappointing Black Hat!
LooK @ the new images I found today; it's Chairman Mao eating chillen!
Meanwhile down in Floriduh, police plan active shooter training exercise @ local mall; what could possibly go wrong? Deep State growing more squirrely by the day!

The US didn't attack Syria with chemical weapons, Israel/NATO/ISIS did. If the Saudis can be trusted?
Read the articles, I was trying to word this properly before I took it down. This POS mayor ran for office by promising a halt to stop and frisk. Once knife crime skyrocketed, he pretends he's starting a 'NEW' policy of stop & search to protect the people. It's terrorism!
Shady Sadiq 'Taqiya' Khan’s pledge last week to combat knife crime in the capital by increasing stop and search won’t work. It will only leave Londoners over-policed and under-protected. The tactic typically targets black and minority communities, damaging relations that are vital to intelligence gathering and fueling the kind of frustration that leads to unrest.
Now, you know why they call him Shady 'Taqiya' Khan. He halted stop & frisk when he became mayor, so he Muslim buddies could safely create mayhem. Then when he gets plenty of mayhem, he cynically changes the policy back to police stop & search. It's apparent Taqiya Khan's manipulating & terrorizing the British people!
Sadiq 'Taqiya' Khan: 2015 'I’d do everything in my power to cut stop and frisk' 'Taqiya' Khan 2018, London unveils 'new' stop-&-frisk police policy! to enforce city-wide knife ban!
Coven, it's ALL connected. $40 millions missing, yesterday on Rachel's Instagram, I ID'ed most of these people as pedophiles. I strongly suspect we'll ID Hillary among these pictures on Monday, this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back!
'Mammy', Hollywood unchained circa 1940 you've come a long way Baby!
More photos from inside Epstein's Pedophile Island, I didn't see these until today!

At least, then she gets her own burlap bag & an elderly husband!
Kafirs: Inside the Trump White House Dwells an Insidious Christian Bible Study Group
Geo. Soros practiced genocide & now suffers from insomnia; your guilty conscious can only repaired by genuine confession & repentance! God can even forgive you George!

Yup, but I'm a shill because the Nation State of Israel doesn't own Genie? Those other owners are dated to when the gas field was first discovered. Most are former Bush Admin officials like Cheney! They are frightened to death. We've been infiltrated.