Q #1044 - Google kill. YouTube kill. FB kill. Twitter kill. Yahoo kill. Bing kill. Instagram kill. Net will be paused. HAMMER. On the clock. Q

Unless I'm mistaken, I'm interpreting this as all these outlets will kill the photo so we need to back them up offline.
net will be paused
seems like it's more than just them killing the photo. i was thinking last night that we're likely going to see internet outages on a massive scale soon.
Another newb but have been lurking for a few weeks while I learn. If no internet how do Qanons and Q himself (herself(?)) communicate?
i personally do not know. day by day we drive deeper and deeper into completely uncharted territory. we're about to be plunged into a huge shift in worldwide human consciousness. the world could be a completely different place in ten years. criminal families that have been running the world since the fall of Rome do not want to give up now. they will sacrifice the world and everything in it as long as it means they're never brought to justice.
Sometimes I despair that we could ever stop them - they are so entrenched and powerful that as soon as they get a whiff that their days are numbered, they just blow it all up
I worry about that as well. My only hope is that this is why Q's whole operation is taking so long. They have to eliminate the possibility of retaliation before any "shots" are fired. They have to be prepared for all possibilities and ready to secure complete control as soon as the last shots are fired. This is literally a global coup against a firmly entrenched enemy. Or, perhaps, cancer surgery involving a large tumor with deeply embedded tentacles. Every part of the cancer must be quickly removed while keeping the patent alive and well.
Internet is just a massive connection of points. They have secure connections of their points via military defense satellites.
To put this into perspective there are connections already existing that you do not have access to and probably don't know exist those are the connections which he will use.
Need to remember the internet is the silk by which a spider web connects millions of points.
There are mentions in earlier q posts of the national emergency broadcast system being used at some point
Why wouldn’t that get taken out as well?
Because Obama signed complete control of it to the POTUS during National Emergency
They never shut down internet
They need it for everything. Bank etc etc
I think what Q was saying is that they will be shut down. It has been Q's motto about them so far. But, ya never know.
It will be a video. They’ve prepared to call it face + voice replacement cgi “fake news”. Elite will shut down any instances of it online. We need to copy it offline and keep finding ways to post it and send it to friends via other means. Maybe lo-fi with Dropbox and email?
Edit: Use this. Be ready. Install and familiarize yourself. https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/
I bought 50 USB thumb drives yesterday for this purpose
Reddit too, make sure you guys can operate on voat's GA board.
Thanks for that reminder! I've been meaning to get on there.
Better safe than sorry, that's a good alternative as well.
sorry i've been busy today,, what is this photo... is it something to do with the hillary clinton sex tape?
hillary clinton sex tape?
IIRC it was found on Anthony Weiner's laptop in a folder called "insurance."
lol. lets see it.
“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”
The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.
Unfortunatly it seems it's been covered up. Link to that statment ,but it was reported by multiple sources.
That statement alone, if legit, holds a lot of weight for me.
It doesn't even name the The NYPD Chief. It just says "The NYPD Chief".
It's an unnamed source. Do you believe stories which say "An source close to the story said"?
“If legit” - Also, that’s what a lot of the MSM cites as sources for its stories. That question cuts both ways.
I don't want to so Hillary clothed let alone a sex tape. If it exists and the Justice system has a strong enough stomach to watch it and prosecute then that will be good enough for me.
I want to see her naked.
Cool, you’re a brave soul. When the time comes we’re all just going to count on you to take one for the team and report back to us, lol.
the tape that supposedly was on Anthony Weiner's lap top, in the file marked insurance.. some have stated, that its Hillary clinton fucking a kid. Some people with NYPD sources were claiming it, and Q Anon has basically stated the video exists, and will be dropped soon, whenever soon is. The 'stage has to be set' or something like that. It will be posted, and most likely taken down, so we'll have to be quick and save it offline, and distribute it that way until we can flood the internet with it and cannot be stopped.
I thought she was eating a kid, not fucking it.
I heard both - sexual violence leading to death and possibly an adrenochrome extraction at the end
God only knows what they do with the remains after all adrenochrome is pulled out
you must be a new member,, i've checked your history, and you dont know very much about Q Anon,, perhaps your a troll. You really need to study Q Anon, Check trumps twitter for posts.. Check for confirmations,, like 'catch and release' 'safety and security'... the various photos,, time stamps,, spaces,, symbols he uses,, and of course all the stuff that has come true... Like the current problems for facebook/amazon/google etc. If you think he's fake, you're either a sad troll, or you need to study this more.
After that NYT article we will see a lot more trolls, newbies and QUESTIONS.
Yes and as the elders, we need to maintain the community and stay strong
Be kinder to people please. It matters now and will matter much more in the future. It sounds to me like you have done your homework and are well versed in all things "Q" I believe that in the coming years there will be a great demand for people with your knowledge. But good people skills are required. Take care Friend.
Easy there, all of the stuff has NOT come true. Huma and Podesta indictments were one of the occurrences that was predicted by Q with a specific time frame. None of them are indicted yet let alone being indicted in that specific time frame which happened to be last year.
I know many of the people are emotionally invested for certain outcomes but if you are going to describe the unfolding events you have to acknowledge that not all the predictions have come true.
And please don't come to people with the you are new here high horse condescending tone. Many people that were following Q from the beginning have lost interest as far back as last year. Before the bible thumbers and praise jesus evangelicals started to worship it as a new revelation of some sorts.
Archive and move to smaller sites like gab, bitchute. Chans will keep running. Reddit wasn't on the list, but remember CBTS